(posted by frenchie)
The current conflict in Palestine arrives on the heels of 75 years of continued murderous injustice. Just as Israelis have a right to self defense, Palestinians have the right to resist, (some say the duty) the occupation of their territory by Israel. It is a necessity that everyone helps resolve the injustices suffered by both sides, without justifying the cruel vengeance exerted for the benefit of a few. It is also clear that the support for any of the belligerents, should not lead to a blanket amnesty of their leadership's heinous crimes. Nor should it occult the responsibilities of the great powers that have historically used both parties as pawns in a proxy endless war.
The Middle East is an unstable universe where many groups compete for survival
For simplicity's sake, western countries have a tendency to look at the make up of its population as a mix of Christians, Muslims and Jews. The hard reality of the picture is that it is a far more complex problem. Each and everyone of these religions have a multitude of denominations. In Africa and Europe people have taken it for granted that Christians are divided into Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant. In the Middle East by comparaison there are dozens and dozens of different Churches. The same is true about Jewish and Muslim faith.
Every single time a piece of the chessboard is moved, all the other groups have to reposition themselves. This is the reason why today's allies might become tomorrow's enemies. Just as today's enemies were yesterday's allies. Sadly over the centuries each group has been both victims and executioners. Outsiders visiting the Middle East, tend to line up with the people the closest to their own culture, their own faith. Yet they are not aware of its History, not are they prepared to assume it.
If our real goal is to promote Peace, it is imperative that we not only listen to the people we are close to, but that we come to terms with the realities of the injustices suffered by our friends, as well as our enemies. This is not a spontaneous and easy process, It takes honesty and hard work. Recently in the West we have had a very singular approach to all the problems arising. For example, we mostly heard about the very narrow views of Ukrainians vs Russians; of Armenians against Azeris, and now of Israelis against Palestinians.
It is a difficult task to distinguish among the avalanche of emotional reports and the trickle of verified information, what comes from people with narrow interests, or from State and Organisation entities, or even what comes from principled individuals, in order to qualify these informations. It is further complicated by groups that are not religious, but theocratic. The latter not defending higher principles but rather using religious language in order to win.
The preliminary points having been laid out, it is now time to address the business at hand.
On the 50th anniversary date of the October 73 War, known in the west as the Yum Kippur War, October 7th 2023 at 6.00am, Hamas attacked Israel on its own soil. Back in 1973 Syria and Egypt had launched a surprise attack, with the goal to help the Palestinians. Tel Aviv, warned by Amman and supported by the USA crushed the arab armies. While Syria lost the Golan Heights, Sadat ended betraying his own people.
The latest operation combined a mass rocket attack designed to saturate the Iron Dome defense, with 22 ground incursions on Israeli territory. For the first time ever Palestinians rockets targeted Israeli command centers, to create confusion and facilitate the work of the 22 commando raids. The latter were officially intended at taking as many hostages as possible, to start hostage negotiations geared at the release of Palestinians prisoners in High security detention centers in Israel. The infiltration operations were launched from land, sea and air (with motorised paragliders).
The preparation for these operations of planning, training of thousands of commandos, logistics and intelligence gathering, most likely took months if not years. It appears that years of complacency, superiority complex, and hubris blinded Israel and western security agencies. The whole affair was designed by Mohamed Daif, Hamas operation chief, who had gone below the radar for at least two years, before reappearing lately alongside of Hamas spokesman Abu Obaida.
Able to detect the incoming missiles, but unable to destroy all of them, Israel was hit by at least 3000 of the 7000 missiles fired. Social networks and several Arab TV channels showed that Hamas captured several tanks (Merkava) and at least one military post in the west of the Strip. In addition they attacked a Rave Party taking place at kibbutz Re'im raping and massacring at least 280 revelers. In many other sites they kidnapped a large number of hostages, including at least one general. The commandos entered several Israeli towns, firing randomly with machine guns at the inhabitants. Early estimates of 900 killed and 2600 injured (most of them very seriously) on the Israeli side were later revised to 1500 deads. Losses on the Palestinian side were estimated at twice this number.
This operation is the largest Palestinian undertaking in the last 50 years.
International observers noted that this latest outburst of violence is the consequence of 75 years of oppression and violation of international law. Dozens of United Nations Security Council resolutions have been violated blatantly by Israel, without any accountability. Israel as a state is acting as it is above the law. It has never hesitated to corrupt or assassinate each and every Palestinian leader. While it gave lip service for a while to a two State solution, Israel has deliberately prevented the development of the territories, while partially controlling a large part of it. The frustrations and suffering of these past 75 years are reflected in the abject violence and cruel behavior of some of these Palestinians, who are very much aware that they have long been abandoned by the international community. Yet, times are changing: the majority of the United Nations members having witnessed the failures of the West, and the victories of Russia in Syria and Ukraine, are no longer content to bow their heads to the United States.
On the anniversary of the self proclaimed independence of Israel paired with the massacre and expulsion of the Palestinians (the Nakhba), the General Assembly of the United Nations re affirmed that International Law is actually on the side of the Palestinians, not Israel. Of course this did not stop Hamas to commit war crimes.
The actual situation is very much hopeless for both sides. after three quarters of a century of continued crimes, Israel can lay claim to a moral high ground, on almost nothing at all. Its own population is deeply divided. Over the last few months, political power in Tel Aviv has been seized by a cabal of Zionist deniers, ( followers of the Ukrainian Vladimir Jabotinski) and supporters of Jewish Supremacism. The opposition of the narrow majority of Israelis and huge street demonstrations could not stop them. Young Israelis who inspire to live in peace are refusing their conscriptions orders to serve in the armed forces, and ending up brutalizing Palestinians for the benefit of a few extremists. In the end they join reluctantly in order to protect their own families and a country's ideal, most no longer believe in. This is an issue recognized and exposed by general Brik than cannot be underestimated.
On the Legal side of things, the Palestinians formed a State, that was granted observer status at the UN. Following the death of Yasser Arafat, Fatah leader Mahmud Abbas was elected President. However after Hamas victory in the 2007 legislative election, followed by the West refusal to accept a Hamas government, the Palestinians fought a civil war. In the end Fatah the secular party created by Yasser Arafat governed the West Bank. Ever since Mahmud Abbas, and his party have been financed by the USA, the EU and Israel. On the other hand the Gaza strip is at the hands of Hamas, the Palestinian Branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is governed by individuals that see Islam, not as a spirituality, but as a weapon of conquest. They in turn are mostly paid by the UK, Qatar, Israel, Turkey and the EU. The two sides have opposed each other in every elections for the last 16 years. Their leaders live in mafia like luxury, in stark contrast with the miserable living conditions of their people.
When it was created, Hamas was financed by the United Kingdom. It was supported by the Israeli Secret Services, to weaken Yasser Arafat's Fatah. Later Israel fought it, and assassinated its religious leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. Yet again, Israel used Hamas to eliminate the leaders of the Marxist Palestinian Resistance. Hamas fighters, accompanied by Mossad agents and Al Qaeda jihadists attacked the Palestinian Yarmuk camp, at the start of the war against Syria. [1] Today once again Hamas is fighting its erstwhile ally Israel.
Mohammad Daif is mostly known to be the founder of the Izz al Din al Qassam brigades. Like all Muslim Brothers he is an islamist supremacist. He refers to Izz al Din al Qassam, (1882-1935) an opponent of the French mandate in Lebanon, and an opponent of the British mandate in Palestine. He has no connection to the former Mufti of Jerusalem and Nazi ally Amin al Husseini, even if he shares his anti semitism. In 2010 he wrote: "the Izz al Din al Qassam brigades ....are better prepare to continue on our exclusive path, where there is no other alternative. This is the path of jihad and the fight against the enemies of the Muslim Nation and Humanity. We say to our enemies: you are on the road to extinction, (zawal). Palestine will remain ours, including Al Quds (Jerusalem), Al Aqsa (mosque), its towns and villages from the Sea (mediterranean) to the river (Jordan) from North to South. You have no right to even an inch of it." Mohamed Daif is not a military man, his specialty is hostage taking, his operation was designed for that purpose only, not to liberate Palestine.
As President Abbas health is declining rapidly, Fattah is divided in three military factions. One following Fahti Abu al Ardate, the national security chief. Another follows Mohammad Abdel Amin Issa (aka Lino) the commander of Kifah al Moussala (armed struggle). They follow in the footsteps of Mohamed Dallan, the former head of Palestinian Intelligence who assassinated Yasser Arafat, and is now supported by the UAE. Finally Munir Maqdah, the former military chief of Fatah, who is closer to Hamas, Qatar, Turkey and Iran.
In September, fighting pitted these three factions against Hamas allied with Jud el Sham and Al Shahab al Moslem, two jihadist groups who fought alongside NATO and Israel against the Syrian Republic. Violent fighting took place at the Aid el Heloue camp (Sidon, south Lebanon). For a short while observers believed it was a fight along the lines of the one in Nahr el Bared (north Lebanon) 2007, before people realized it was linked to the degradation of health of Abbas.
Lord Peel's original idea of a two States solutions is backed by the greatest majority of countries around the world. While the British failed to implement it in 1937 when they had the opportunity, it also failed in 1948 at the United Nations. Since then Israel blows hot or cold about the two States idea,depending on their political whim. The Palestinians are all on board, except for the Marxist PLFP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) Since the Geneva convention, extremists on both side have attempted to sideline the process. Faced by what he perceives as a potential demographic invasion, Netanyahu has called for total victory. How does he thinks that can be achieved is still a mystery. Does he mean eradicating every single Hamas fighter? That would not even put a dent in the feeling of abuse of the last 75 years. The Children would carry the torch of their fathers, as the fathers carried the torch of their fathers.
To even try to achieve this goal, Netanyahu must first unite the Israelis he has divided. Taking his clue from Golda Meir during the 6 days war, he must bring the opposition inside his own government. This is the reason he met with Yer Lapid and General Benny Gantz. However Gantz condition is that the Jewish supremacists Bezalel Smotrich, and Itamar Ben Gvir leave the Government. That would mean that the Prime Minister abandon his current project, and that of his US neocon sponsors, [2] and the Biden Administration.
Meanwhile, Hamas leaders have called on the Palestinian refugees abroad, on all Arabs and Muslims to unite behind their struggle. Palestinian refugees mean the large majority of the population of Jordan, and the Palestinians of Lebanon. Arabs mean Syria and the Lebanese Hezbollah. Muslims mean Iran and Turkey.
So far only Islamic Jihad, and the various resistance movements of the West Bank have answered the call. Contrary to the Wall St Journal (and most US medias) assertion Hamas is not run by Iran. This assertion totally forgets the agreement signed between Hassan El Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood and Rouhallah Khomeini, founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The two groups have divided the Muslim world between them, and forbid each other to intervene significantly in the other's sphere of influence. Teheran never stop to vehemently affirm its support for the Palestinian cause. But in reality, its only involvement is through Islamic Jihad, which so far is fairly limited.
The political leaders of Hamas live in Turkey under the protection of the Turkish Secret Services. Ankara has been piloting Hamas, and its so called "Flood of al Aqsa" operation. While inaugurating a Syriac Orthodox Church on October 8th of this year, a little more than 24 hours after the attack on Israel, President Erdogan raised quite a few eyebrows, when he declared: "Establishing tranquility , Peace and stability in the region, through the solution of the Palestinian issue in accordance with international law is the top priority we are focusing on in our talks with our counterparts. Unfortunately Palestinian and Israelis, as well as the entire region are paying the price for the delay in the administration of Justice. Adding fuel to the fire will benefit no one, including civilians on both sides. Turkey is ready to do its part, to the best of its ability, to put an end to the fighting as quickly as possible, and to ease tensions caused by the recent incidents.".
Ankara's choice to launch this new war, as soon as the Republic of Artsakh (armenian enclave of Karabah in Azerbaijan) had been crushed, and while they are also sending military equipment to Russia, in violation of the unilateral US coercive measures, suggest that the Turkish State is no longer afraid of Washington. Erdogan has not forgotten the US attempted assassination against him, in 2016, which became a tipping point for him, in his relation with DC. You can expect that as soon as this operation is over, new operations against the Kurds in Syria and Iraq will be launched, which will threaten the illegal US base in NE Syria.
Should Hezbollah enter the fray, Israel will not be able to repel the attack on its own. Its existence can only continue with the military support of the USA. A large part of the US public opinion no longer support Israel, while the Pentagon capability to defend Israel is greatly diminished. What is happening now is one of the many consequences of the war in Ukraine. Washington is unable to manufacture enough ammunitions for its Ukrainian ally, it actually has been forced to draw from its own stocks in Israel. Its arsenals there are already empty.
In the early hours of the conflict Hezbollah fired a few rockets at the Sheeba farms (the contested territory between Lebanon and Israel). It was a symbolic demonstration of its support of the Palestinians in Gaza. This is very much in line with the rhetorical slogan of the "unity of fronts". But it did not enter the fight, as it remains wary of Hamas, which it fought against in Syria. Hezbollah does not share the Brotherhood's ideology.
The large majority of Western leaders have publicly condemned the terrorist actions of Hamas, and reiterated their support for Israel. In the past they have done little to nothing to resolve the injustices in Palestine. Despite their principled declarations, it appears that they shall not do anything this time around. For their part, Russia and China refusing to take side with either the Palestinians or the Israelis, have called for the respect of international law, rather that the application of western rules. Unfortunately, we are now faced with a situation where all the players have pre emptively and deliberately sabotaged every solution; so that it is now almost impossible for this thing not to endup in a bloodbath.
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