Lately the whole world is feeling bad for the Rohingyas, universally identified as:
"the most persecuted people on the planet", even though this title could be claimed by many others.
Of course the Historical and Geopolitical reasons which led to this actual drama are being conveniently obscured.
An historical reminder.
Around 2500 years ago, Northern India (today's Nepal) saw the birth of Prince Sakyamuni soon to become the historical Buddha.
During the next millennium Buddhism ( a European expression dating back to the 17th century) had pacifically spread throughout all of Asia, including the central region, as the presence of the Bamian's giant Buddhas, blown up on the 9/11 terrorist attack on the USA by followers of Mullah Omar.
Buddhism was literally eradicated under the successive waves of Arabic and Muslim (Jihad) conquering armies. Indian historians estimate the numbers of victims, killed with knives and swords at the time, between 40 to 50 millions .
In fact Jihad never really stopped in that region of the world. Local residents have kept a worried and continued memory of the very heavy threats which raises its ugly head every time this armed religion
experience a renewed strength of power..
The Birman region largely Buddhist for the last 2300years is not an exception. The last local Jihads only go back to WWII and the war of Independance (India, Bangladesh)
During the British Colonial Period, the Brits organized the installation of a massive Muslim population, coming from the Bengal region of Arakan (Rakhin, or "Rohingya" in Bengali,
(a terminology that the Muslims will only start using in the 1950s).
In 1942, General Archibald Wavell armed the Bengalis from Arakan against the Japanese, already present in the region. This was part of their strategy of "Stay behind" resistance, behind enemy lines.
Theory that would become famous during the cold war on the European theater.
Following their religious dogma, the Muslims from Arakan used that opportunity to widen the
Dar el islam (islamic house/territory) agains the burmese unbelievers, most of them Buddhist.
Later on during the Indian war of independence, the Muslims of Arakan joined the fighting of Pakistan in favor of Muslim secession, all the way to the Burmese territory. Already the Chittatong Hills area, located along the Northern Burma border, with a Buddhist population, was forcefully Islamized, creating a massive exodus towards India. The problem continues to this day, surprisingly with no coverage at all, and in the total indifference of the rest of the world.
On June 9th 1948, the Mujahid Party of Arakan, demanded through its military Chief, Jaffar Kawal that Arakan be recognized as the birthplace of the Muslim Nation of Burma. Thus declaring the following: "The area between the west bank of the Karadan river and the East of the Naaf river must be recognized as the National Home of the Muslims of Burma"
This ultimatum, typical of the demographic Jihad, having been ignored, the Arakan Bengali Jihadists attacked Buddhist villages,most notably around Maungdaw, with the usual litany of pillages, rapes, arsons,kidnapping for ransom, etc..
A third local Jihad was started during the succesful partition of Eastern Pakistan (to become Bengladesh) against western Pakistan in 1971.
The Muslims of Arakan had taken side [by shouting: Pakistan Jillabad (victory for Pakistan) with western Pakistan, who had been trained and armed by them against Bengladesh.]
Their defeat would force them to distinguished themselves from their Bengali brothers coming from Bengal, by deciding to call themselves Rohingya, rather than their former moniker of Bengalis from
The weapons they had accumulated were soon turned against the Burmese infidels, one more time.
Following a congress for the National liberation of Rohingya, which took place on July 15th 1972, the Rohingyas demanded again for their independence, and the creation of their own state.
Several Armed Groups were created after this Congress, notably the RSO (Rohingya Solidarity Organization), the RLO (Rohingya Liberation Organization), the ARIF (Arakan Rohingya Islamic Front), the RPF (Rohingya Patriotic Front), the IMA (Itihadual Mozahadin of Arakan)
The current events are therefore taking place within an implacable Muslim iterative, but this time with a massive international aid.
Of course this is not happening in a vacuum.
The Geo-strategic Background.
In this well furbished multi-layer cake, we can find of course the American "Deep State", which does not appreciate the tenacious influence of China on Burma.
Specially since the coming on line in 2013 of the pipelines and Gazeoducs linking the Burmese coast (right in the middle of the province of Arakan) to the Chinese province of Yunnan.
They also do not wish to see Chinese supply routes overland through Burma, which is more stable and cheaper to operate, than the maritime route through the Strait of Malacca (partially controlled by India.)
They are specially irritated by the military and industrial cooperation between the Military Junta and North Korea.
The Aces up the sleeves of the Deep State are their foreign agents made of the usual pseudo NGOs,
including the unavoidable imperial galaxy of George Soros, all of them well trained and guided by well versed clandestine operators.
On the eve of the new phase of the jihad that we are currently experiencing, in April 2016 to be precise, the California giant Chevron suddenly put all its Burmese assets on the block, including its 28.3% investment in the gas fields of Yadana (treasure in Burmese) and of Sein in the Sea of Andaman operated by Total since 2000, but mostly its 98% of the A5 gas field located in the delta of Rakhine, once again: the Arakan.
It is in this context, that we saw the arrival into power of Aung San Suu Kyi, becoming Minister of the Presidency, a title similar to Prime Minister, but without the power over the Army, the Police and the Border Guards.
The Deep State restarted the Islamic war machine, around very classical provocations, which saw under-equipped Muslims attacking police stations, resulting in the predictable retaliations by the Police.
The Rohingyas earning in the process, the definition: "the most persecuted people on the planet" as well as : "the victims of an horrible ethnic cleansing".
The Propaganda Machine back in Business.
The Machine did used a few sacerdotal celebrities like Barbet Schroeder who went to shoot
a "documentary" about the infamous Buddhist monk who led some revenge raids, and quickly labeled him as an extremist and a nationalist.
Dozens of "independent expert", payed by persons unknown, but all accusing without proofs, and justifying in the process the most horrifying stories against these malfeasant Islamophobic Buddhist sorcerers.
The western press agencies did relayed and large retailers did distribute with special promos the propaganda. After a few headlines from Time Magazine, the New York Times, or the Guardian, redistributed in images by all the major TV and radio networks, during prime time, with pundits commentaries, reproduced in the infosphere, until total saturation.
The whole planet now knowing that in the end, Buddhists are not that pacific after all, and their violence could be worse that the Jihadists....
This is a great coup for the Islamist who are able to neutralize the Buddhist narrative as a counter-example to their pathological Jihad.
The only thing left, is for the UN, the European Commission, and the White House to voice their grave concerns
regarding these serious exactions by the monks, to justify a Jihad of victims (the Rohingyas) with the same legitimate argument that we gave the UCK before the Kosovo conflict.
Damned the Buddhist survivors of centuries of Jihad which they were the victims of. Their time has passed and they must make room for the "others".
While awaiting for these future modern " Krystalnacht" Chevron still has not sold its assets.
Instead the petroleum giant is feeling the pressure from a group of investors : to intervene against the genocide of the Rohingyas.
The halal investment fund AZZAD (Azzad Asset Management) allied for the occasion to the American fundation of the Ursuline Sisters (Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk) lead by Sister Valerie Heinonen, a professional left wing activist.
Indeed the Vatican did not miss such an opportunity to join with the Islamist Jihadist (despite the hundred of thousands of christian victims in the middle east during the last five years) as long as it is to convert these Buddhist idol worshipers.
Pope Francis had no doubt about the upcoming victory of the armed monotheism.
While he was enjoying his victory of having opened the first ever Nunciature in Myannar last May, he congratulated his guest Mrs Aung San Suu Kyi, for being a good Christian, even though she never abdicated her Buddhist faith.
An Iceberg of Manipulation
Unfortunately for the deep State, the Arakan is not the Kosovo.
China shall not abandon Myannar. It just made it be known, to the great chagrin of its ally Pakistan.
Pakistan is the great purveyor of weapons to all the Jihadis, around the world.
In order to force such an abandonment, the opening of the necessary conflict would be a lot more complex, that the bombing of poor little Serbia by NATO.
Madame Aung San Suu Kyi knows it perfectly well, when she dares to label the whole current affair as "an iceberg of manipulation".
The Saudis as well, as they finance the jihad with one hand, sign numerous contracts with Myannar and China with the other hand, and this since 2011. They exploit the Burmese gas,while the Emirates among others invest in infrastructures and Hotels of the Arakan region.
On the other side, in western nations, there is a unanimous indignation against Buddhists that borders hysteria. This in itself, is revealing of the strength given to Islam.
Europe of course is ripe enough for the Islamic power to soon officialize its domination there.
The same Europe who spits on anyone who opposes it. Like they have opposed this tyrannical
religion for over a thousand years. That includes the Burmese monks, front and forward.