(posted by Frenchie)
Poland, which until recently was one of the strongest ally of Ukraine, suddenly woke up to the reality of who were the leaders of the neighboring country. The Yaroslav Hunk scandal during Zelinsky's visit to the Canadian parliament has set a wildfire in Poland, that nobody can extinguish.
The whole spectrum of the Polish political class has risen in anger and condemnation of the "Nationalists integrist" Government of Ukraine ( the Banderist neo nazis that control Ukraine)
An ever growing list of conflicts is adding up to that anger.
This historical flip of attitude, comes in at a time when the Republican majority in the US House is showing a will to take some welcome distance from the conflict.
Poland has been governed by the conservative party " Right and Justice" know under its acronym PIS.
This political party is deeply opposed to the EU, not only as a supra national project, but also as a single unity of the european continent. During its long history, Poland has disappeared completely on four occasions. Its powerful Russian and German neighbors have routinely shared its territory. Poland therefore does not wish for a continental unity that historically enslaved it on several occasions.
On the contrary they remember with a certain nostalgia, the period which brought them great success following their alliance with Lituania. This is why they are promoting a third way: half way between Moscow and Berlin, in what is called Prometheism. Their goal is to set themselves free of the Russian and German influences, and to develop stronger relations with its central European neighbors. This project is commonly known as the "Intermarium" or as it was branded in 2016, the three seas initiative, which would unite all the States between the Baltic, the Mediterranean, and the Black sea. Knowing that in Polish eyes, this initiative must in the end replace the EU. For that reason Poland cannot count of Brussels. This is the main reason Poland decided to ally itself to the USA, a far away great power, and in their eyes less dangerous.
This alliance came to fruition during the Iraq conflict, in which Poland involved itself greatly, as a show of goodwill towards its new ally. Poland for example used the EU founds given to her to level its economy, to purchase a new fleet of American made planes.
The natural defiance of Poles towards Russia, should not mask their feelings towards the Germans. Recently, the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, crudely tried to intervene in the upcoming Polish elections, by affirming that the scandal of the passports was still ongoing. After revelations that the Polish Foreign Office was selling Visas for euros 5000.00 each, the vice minister of this department had already given his resignation. Yet this German new accusation, was meant to tarnish the administration of the PIS, without any proof at all. Zbigniew Rau, the Polish Foreign Minister did not take it well at all, and officially and curtly reminded the German Chancellor of the principle of non intervention in other people's sovereignty.
While the majority of Poles support the nationalist approach of the PIS, the opposition is organized around the coalition led by the former President of the European Council, (2014/2019) Donald Tusk. As a child he played with Angela Merkel, the former German Chancellor. The two families know each other well, as they both traveled throughout the East bloc together, a rare privilege reserved for the communist elites.
Donald Tusk was hoping to win it, this time around, against the PIS. He had openly taken up the accusations made by Brussels against the government of Mateusz Morawieki, and against the PIS concept of liberty, which is anything but woke. He underlined the fact that the EU still has not distributed to Poland the subventions it is entitled to under the Economic restart and resiliency program... But, and that is a big but, the latest developments are not favorable to either the EU or Tusk.
At the beginning of the Russian special operation in Ukraine in February of 2022, Varsaw made it clear that it was in support of Kiev, specially as DC called for a mobilisation against Moscow.
The Polish government felt it was natural to give shelter to nearly 1,5 million Ukrainian refugees, and to integrate this former Soviet State in their Three Seas initiative. Obviously the Poles were not aware any more than most, of what was really taking place within Ukraine. Historically, they were aware that the radical Nationalists of Ukraine had supported the Nazi regime, and committed terrible crimes against civilian populations, including 120 000 Poles. Actually since the fall of the Soviet Union, Poland had welcomed many Ukrainians as foreign laborers. It was then natural for them to welcome war refugees, from their neighbor, specially women and children.
At that time, the PIS government outlawed any critic of Volodymir Zelensky's Ukrainian regime, which it clearly perceived as Russian propaganda. This is how from the beginning of the conflict, the Polish defense council, censored several websites from around the world which were not towing the line. This Military censorship, made it almost impossible for the leading political class, to fully comprehend what the Zelensky regime truly represented. Poland, from that time on, became the second largest military ally of Ukraine, only behind the USA.
On September 22nd 2023, the Canadian Parliament received President Zelinsky , in order for him to officially address them. After his speech, the speaker, Anthony Rota introduced an attending member of the public as a" Ukrainian/Canadian veteran of the WW II, who had fought against the Russians for Ukrainian independence", in his words "a hero of Canada, and a hero of Ukraine, as a member of the Ukrainian 1st Division". Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the parliament and the public gave him a standing ovation.
Thankfully, almost immediately, several Jewish organizations incensed by what they had witnessed, shouted that the 1st Ukrainian Division was in fact the infamous SS Galicia !!!
After three days, of growing controversy, speaker Rota gave his resignation, giving cover for Justin Trudeau who should have known better. Yet the Polish ambassador to Canada Witold Dzielzki, was not appeased, and demanded for an official apology, for the insult to the memory of the 120 000 Polish victims of SS Galicia. At the same time, the Polish government officially took steps for the extradition of the former SS to Poland. The whole Ukrainian Government charade went up in smoke, in an instant.
As Beata Szydlo, former prime minister of Poland noted, the problem here is not the crass ignorance of Anthony Rota, but rather the arrogant attitude of both Volodymir Zelensky, and Canadian Vice Premier Christia Freeland (herself the child of Ukrainian radicals, and supporter of war criminal Bandera). None of these personalities can pretend that they ignored the fact that the 1st Ukrainian Division reputation for genocide is well known. None of them , showed any unease, (actually Zelensky raised his fist in approbation) nor did they warned Trudeau of what was taking place. Instead they joyously and gleefully celebrated and applauded.
It is also to be noted, that the Ukrainian celebrated "hero" never belonged to a fighting unit of the Waffen SS, but rather was part of the more sinister reprisal units, that were charged with the elimination of populations that were not supporting the Third Reich.
Knowing what we know now, it is hard to forget that the two most contested battles of this conflict in Ukraine, took place in Mariupol and Bakhmut. In both cases, the Ukrainian side was under the command of the nefarious radical extremist Andriy Biletsky, aka the "White Fuhrer", with whom Zelensky often pauses for photo ops.
Faced with this mounting evidences the Poles are now realizing that they might have acted with too much haste, in granting Ukraine the Status of Observer in its Three Seas Initiative. Quoting Israeli General Benny Gantz, in regards to Zelensky: " Even if he is a Jew, he is allying with and relying on the slaughterers of Jews"
This Canadian incident takes place at a time when Polish Farmers are totally incensed about the disloyal competition that they face, with the Ukrainian/American Agrofood industry Cartel. Particularly the purchase of a quarter of the Ukrainian farmland by a triumvirate of American giants: Cargill, Dupont and Monsanto, who export towards the European Union at unbeatable prices their cereals and chickens. These companies to add insult to injury do not pay for their GMO seeds, which are provided by the US State Department for free. While the EU originally had not allowed the importation of these products that do not meet the Europeans norms, it finally relented under the pressure of the Biden Administration. Despite this failure of the European Union, three of its members, including Poland have made it illegal in their respective countries. Following these decisions Zelensky arrogantly announced that since these countries were members of the EU, he would attack them in the WTO.
As Agriculture is still the number one source of revenues for Poland, the ongoing legislative election campaign has become the center of the debate regarding these illegal Ukrainian exports. The rightist party: "Confederation" has become the main beneficiary of this discountent. Ultimately the PIS could be forced in an alliance with them, in order to retain power. The current Polish Minister of Agriculture warned his Ukrainian counterparts, about the dire consequences of suing Poland in the WTO, but he was met with a wall of silence and disdain.
Meanwhile, the Polish population as a whole is becoming impatient and frustrated with the continued influx of Ukrainian refugees. This sentiment is quickly morphing into an rejection of anything Ukrainian.
Polish President, Andrzej Duda has even floated the idea of stopping the aid to refugees from Ukraine, in view of the growing opposition to their presence on the Polish territory. He went as far as using the allegory of the drowning victim who panics and drags with him his rescuer. Ukraine drowning and Poland being an unwilling rescuer. Poland has a privilege relationship with the Holy See, based on its long history with Catholicism, and Pope John Paul II special place in Polish hearts. Not withstanding this common knowledge, and following the recent visit of Mongolia by Pope Francis, the Ukrainian Government decided to criticize the Vatican Harshly for not hating everything Russian. In doing so Kiev, accelerated Varsaw abandonment of any scrupules they might have had towards them. Shortly after the Polish Government declared stopping any military aid to Ukraine. Poland has also decided to demand compensation for the Polish citizens killed in 2022 by Ukrainian missiles landing on its territory, which Kiev first blamed on the Russians. All the lights are flashing red between the two countries since that Canadian incident in September. As Poland is the major route for weapons supply from the west, but also for grain export from Ukraine, since the closing of the Black Sea ports, this present a huge challenge for the Neocons in DC, and their NATO puppets.
While so far, neither Slovakia, nor Slovenia have demanded for apologies, in favor of their citizens victimized by the SS Galicia; the rapid worsening of the Polono Ukrainian relations will certainly have grave consequences for the Baltic States, specially for Lituania. This is definitely a game changer, and it shows that relationships based on lies and dissimulations are really very fragile.
T Meyssan.
R Voltaire
Actualite internationale, CBC, Reuters, AFP