Sunday, May 22, 2022

Washington hopes to re-establish its Hyper power status, with the war in Ukraine

 posted by Frenchie

The evolution of the Russian "special operation" in Ukraine, into a real proxy war between Moscow and Washington, is the equivalent of opening a Pandora's box.

The objectives of NATO, the EU and their master handlers have evolved.

It is no longer a question of defending the Banderite's [*} regime in Kiev, from Russia, but rather to  exhaust both sides (including the EU), with the goal to re-instate the Status of Washington as an Hyper-power in a uni Polar world.




Over the last two and half months, the Special Operation led by Moscow against the Banderites, has morphed into a real war between Russia, the Donbass People's Republics on one side, and NATO's  backed Ukraine on the other side.

Common insignia of the Asov Regiment and SS panzer division Das Reich

A Ukraine victory would be a major setback for Russia. A Russian victory would the death nail for NATO. Neither side can afford a defeat, therefore all options are on the table.

At first, the Banderites saw their former allies of the Anti Bolshevik bloc of Nations (ABN), and the World Anti Communist League (WACL) [1] such as the Turkish Grey Wolves flocking to Ukraine

(3000 militiamen for the Turks)

While the ABN and the WACL have not yet completely disappeared, they have been replaced by the secretive "Centuria Order". Neverless the links between certain fraternities and anti-Russian groups developed during the secret operations of the Cold war have survived. For example the links between  groups of Jihadists from different nationalities in Syria, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo, Albania, and Lybia, during several battles under the guidance of the CIA have long been established..

As of now it appears that Washington and NATO have made sure that this war shall last and continue to grow. Therefore these networks are continuing their mobilization, to remain active in this conflict.

Historically during the Cold war, Asian countries had been very active in their support of these groups.

For example,the Kuomintang in Taiwan had been very pro-active in its support of the WACL,going so far, as to establish the Political Warfare Cadre Academy of Ukrainian Banderite Yaroslav Stesko outside of Taipei. This school was the equivalent of the Fort Bragg 's Psychological Warfare Center, and the School of Americas located in Panama.

The Governor of Mykolayev, Vitaly Kim  is of Koryo-Saram origin and has direct contacts with the successors of former South Korean dictator Park Chung-hee.

Edward Luttwak

Following the advise of the Straussian Edgar Luttwak [2], this league was profoundly  transformed in 1983. It changed its name to the "World League of Freedom and Democracy".(WLFD) just after the collapse of the USSR. Its last congress was held in January23 and 24, 2022 in Taiwan.

The Congress took place under the presidency of Yao Eng Chi a high ranking member of the KMT.

WLFD has consultative status at the UN, with an office at the United Nation headquarters. Its activities are covered under the Taiwanese secrecy law, and the Taipei Government still funds it with $ 1million per annum.


Why die when you can exploit the distress of others?

While the CIA supported heirs of the Facist militias from around the world have joined the Banderites,

NATO is keeping its distance from the actual Ukrainian Army, in order to avoid a direct conflict between Russia and the USA. (both nuclear powers)

Following that logic the US summoned its allies at its German airbase of Ramstein, on April 26 2022 in order to twist their allies arms to furnish Ukraine with weapons.

Knowing that before the open conflict, the Zelensky government estimated that about a third of  their armed forces were composed of the Banderites militias, it is logic to consider that many of these weapons shall end up being distributed to these extremists groups. Any State with a semi competent intelligence service actually knows this.

Yet they are so afraid to rub the US deep state the wrong way, that only Israel refused to participate in this meeting.[3]

However if you compare it to the same type of meeting regarding Syria, where 66 countries participated, it is obvious that the power of the US has shrunk seriously since then, when it was about supporting the Islamic fighters against Assad. While these States represent a third of the United Nations membership, they in fact represent only a 10th of the World population. It is clear to see how drastically the influence of the USA has decreased over the last decade. 

Moreover, with this latest influx of arms into Ukraine, it is no longer necessary for the Zelensky government to attack the Moldovan Republic of Dniester, (Transnistria) which houses the largest stockpile of weapons on the European soil.

On April 29, 2022, the White House obtained from Congress $33 Billions in additional funds for arming the Ukrainians.


This in itself raises the Ukrainian military Budget to the 11th largest in the world.

After two months of fighting the American political world has rallied to the Straussian war and imagined what they could get out of it for themselves.

To become the hyper-power it once was, the USA had to replay the score of the beginning of World War II. In 1939 the United States had still not recovered from the economic collapse of 1929.

New York was still far behind its rival Buenos Aires. The brilliant idea had been to let the Europeans tear each other apart, by selling them mass produced weapons in exchange for their treasuries. Washington refused to commit itself until 1942, and then only very timidly at first.

 While the war resulted in 55 millions casualties, of which only 200'000 were Americans, the trick was to have leased American weapons.

The time for reckoning soon arrived after V Day.

The British were forced to relinquish their Empire, while the debt of the soviets was spread over 60 years, and was not cleared until  Vladimir Putin did so.Britain finished paying that debt in 2015.

Congress should logically quickly pass the Ukraine Democracy Defense Lease Act 2022, which has already passed the Senate (S3522). In reality economically as well the Second world war has never stopped. [4]

This is nothing but the application of the Wolfowitz doctrine of 1990, in order to prevent by all means a rival of the USA to develop a relation with the EU, while weakening said European Union.


If this measure is a rational approach on the logistical level, as well as an excellent economic investment. It is a military blunder that waste precious technology which requires a technical training the Ukrainian soldiers are totally lacking. In the short term, they will not be able to use said equipment . Moreover these weapons can only be used on the front line. Since the Russian have destroyed  the electrical sub station that feed the railroads, the equipment cannot be delivered. Further the European diesel locomotives are not compatible with the Ukrainian rail gauges. In addition most of the network has been strategically bombed rendering its use quasi impossible.

Given the corruption of President Volodomyr Zelensky, it is foreseeable that  faced by the Ukrainian incapacity to deliver these weapons, he shall most likely sell them on the black market. They shall resurface on other battlefields, but this time in the hands of non state actors.


In the period of two months since the beginning of the Russian operation, this joker has been able to embezzle hundreds of millions of dollars, while the Ukrainian people continue to suffer.

This US strategy to become once more the center of world, can only work, if the war spreads to the west. We are not talking about the inevitable military operations against Transnistria [5], but rather the economic involvement of the members of the EU.

To date, only Poland and Bulgaria have refused to pay for Russian Gas in Rubles. Therefore they have been deprived of gas supplies.

As of now, all other members of the European Union have agreed to submit payments in rubles. Albeit not directly to Gazprom, but through banking intermediaries. Polish rantings that the country is about to switch suppliers do not help: Warsaw will actually import Russian gaz from other European countries who have purchased it in Rubles. The only difference to this inanity is that the Poles have actually added another intermediary.

With this cow towing to their American overlords, Europeans have to expect a sharp drop in their standards of living, and the loss of their own treasury. None one seems to care at this time.

Towards the dismantling of Ukraine.

For now  Russian military operations are strictly limited to the destruction of the vast Ukrainian defense infrastructure which it build over the last 8 years with the technical and financial support of NATO.(which the west refuse to acknowledge). The mobile phase of the war has not yet begun. After months of shelling, it is expected to take place during the summer months, and should be quick.

The Russian army should then offer to move the population who still espouse the leanings of the Banderite government to the areas they still hold.

Meanwhile the war has aroused irredentist appetites. Poland, which considered last month annexing the Kaliningrad enclave, has now set its appetites on the occupation of Western Ukraine. This region known as Galicia was occupied by Poland between the two World Wars, after the fall of  the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and its subsequent dismemberment through the Treaty of Versailles. The plan is to deploy Polish "peacekeepers" who then would remain there. 

However, the Polish Ukrainian conflict left bad memories on both sides. It is precisely in this context that the Banderites were formed. Incidentally, Stepan Bandera had the Polish Minister of the Interior: Bronislaw Pieracki, assassinated.  Bandera claimed that he had avenged the repression of his party. In reality Bandera was already a member of the Gestapo, and was actively working on the preparation of the invasion of Poland by Germany's third Reich.

For the moment Romania has remained silent, but has discreetly positioned its troops on its eastern border. It appears that when the conflict extend to Transnistria, Romania will eventually question the existence of both Transnistria and Moldova, who used to be part of its territory, until the end of WW II.

Another country watching the conflict closely, and not taking any side is Hungary. While Ukraine has criticized the Orban government for not taking part in the embargo against Russia. The Hungarian government has kept a low profile. Yet they monitor with great attention the repression of Ethnic Magyars in the region of transcarpathia, which it lost with the treaty of Versailles in 1920.

The brutal reprisal of the Hungarian minority after the "revolution of dignity" (2014 Maidan coup d'etat), the interdiction of the language (like for the russophone) have created a tense situation. So far Transcarpathia is at peace. Many displaced persons (mostly from the internal opposition) have taken refuge in that region. Russian troops have not launched any kind of attack on the region. Finally the Slovaks have also their eyes on a small region, which represent just a few villages.

The Russian position has evolved since the Kiev government (encouraged by Washington) has refused further negotiation. While originally Moscow just wanted the recognition of Crimea (which is already part of the Russian federation) as well as those of the Lugansk and Donestk people's Republics.; it announced on March 24th its intention to annex all of southern Ukraine to link Transnistria, Crimea and the Donbass.

As the result of this carving out of its territory by the Polish, Romanian, Magyar, Russian; Ukraine could end up with less than half of its territory, and an economy left to its bare bones.

A rare positive attempt.

On April 26th, UN Secretary General Antonio Guttierez went to the Kremlin with two propositions.

*Create a joint commission of UN-Ukraine-Russia to coordinate humanitarian efforts

*Create with the UN and International Red Cross a corridor to evacuate civilian who wished to leave the Asovstal factory stronghold.

Ukrainians proposed corridors to Moldova and Poland, while the Russians proposed corridors to Belarus and Russia. (knowing the banderites would be arrested and tried there) no agreeement was reached.


At the end of April it was not known if there were civilians left in Asovstal. In early May 1300 Ukrainian troops (mostly Marines) used a Russian corridor to surrender. Ukrainian POWs did claimed that there were civilians used as human shields by the Asov repression regiment, but Kiev denied it.

A few days later civilians were allowed to leave Asovstal, in exchange for food and water for the banderites. A de facto admission they were held against their will. Apparently Moscow was raising its humanitarian demands, in order to obtain the same treatment for their troops held by the Kiev government. Moscow is aware  of the many reports from varied sources, about the ill treatment, torture, and war crimes, captured Russian soldiers have been victims of.

Before the opening of the talks, Russian President Vladimir Putin reiterated his country's position: Russia rejects the rules laid down by the West, and demands the respect of the UN Charter (which had been the subject of the proposal of the bilateral US-Russia treaty of the December 17, 2021) [7]

The UN Secretary General then explained that according to the general opinion, the UN Charter condemns the invasion of a sovereign country. To which the Russian President  replied that this was a unique and special case: Ukraine had publicly declared that it would not implement the Minsk's agreements that had been registered by the Security council of the UN, and subsequently had attacked its own population in Donbass with heavy weapons. After eight years of resistance to this assault, these populations voted for independence, and their own governments asked Russia for help, which it did under Chapter 51 of the Charter of the UN.

Vladimir Putin also referred to the decision of the International Court of Justice on the independence of Kosovo. The court declared that the right of peoples to self determination, could be applied without the consent of the central authority, to which they were previously subject. This was not disputed. In Kosovo, however, it was the National Assembly who proclaimed independence; while in Donbass it was the people themselves who proclaimed it in a referendum.

At the end of the reunion, the UN and the International Red Cross agreed with Russia, to establish a procedure for the evacuation of civilians from the Azovstal plant in Mariupol.


All the while, the war propaganda continues. It is interesting to note that both sides are addressing different targets, and using different methods.

Washington and London are seeking to convince Westerners of their narrative. They do not address the Ukrainians, let alone the Russians. They impose their position through repetition, then move on. They are careful to underplay the Ukrainian Neo Nazis, by staging beautiful images, and by blaming Russians for crimes they accuse them of having committed.

A striking example is their accusations, that the Russian army had committed  a massacre of civilians in the town of Bucha. Western leaders even used the term of genocide, one of the highest war crimes. So called experts explained that the victims had been shot with automatic weapons. Yet international forensic experts invalidated that version. [9] In turn Kiev suppressed this news and indicted 10 Russians (identity unknown)


The Ukrainian propaganda focuses on two issues: the invention of military victories, praised by the western press, but quickly denied, as well as the attribution of abominable crimes to the Russian army, also quickly denied.

For its parts, Moscow is considering the West, as people that cannot and will not accept reality, and therefore unable to change their mind until they have really lost. Its propaganda is targeted to the Russians and the Ukrainians, whom they consider to have been deceived by the Banderites and other extremists from the Kiev government. A typical case, is that rather than talking about current issues, the Russians have released their files, and military archives [10] to show that the Banderites never had any qualms about murdering and/or torturing other Ukrainians. Above all, and this is extremely important to the Russian perspective, it shows that the Banderites  never at any times fought the Nazis, but rather collaborated willingly with them. They are making sure to debunk the Wikipedia view, which is the official Ukrainian version, for whom the Banderites, fought the Nazis as well as the Soviets. The Western press does not relay these informations, because they would otherwise be forced to change their narrative about the glorious "resistance of the Asov bataillons" for example. More ever WWII German documents recently released by Moscow, show that the Nazi regime and the Banderites together, planned to annihilate the Donbass population. While they did not have the opportunity to execute these plans in the 1940s, it became known as a beginning plan for Azov after the 2014 coup d'Etat.

Oath of the banderites.

[*} Banderites. Followers of the political and racial theories of Stepan Bandera. Leader of the Ukrainian Nazi movement in WWII.Collaborated with the Nazis,and the CIA after the same period. He was arrested and executed by Soviets police in  1962.

[1]The World of anti-communist league, the internationale of Crime (published May 12, 2004. Author  Thierry Messan)

[2]  Edward Luttwark is an eminent strategist, as well as the official historian of the Israeli armed forces. He was one of Dean Acheson's four Musketeers (the other 2 being  Richard Perle, Peter Wilson and Paul Wolfowitz) In 1968 he published Coup d'Etat, A practical handbood.  This book became a must read in 2000, for the members of a new American Century, it was implemented on September 11 2001. He threatened both President Chirac and Chancellor  Gerhard Schroder  on behalf of the Straussians  (aka the deep State) After that no western leader dared questioning the official version of events.

[3]Similarly, the Knesset is the only one of western parliament to refuse to invite Zelensky to a plenery session. In order not cut itself from Washington, without having to endorse a Neo Nazi regime. The Israeli just organized a Zoom conference, for those deputies who wished to listen.

[4]"Ukraine: the second world war continues" by T Messan, reseau Voltaire 4/21/22

[5]"Washington pursues RAND's plan in Kazakstan, then in Transnistria" T Messan, Eduard Feoktistov,01/11/22 Vol. Network

[6]Vatan press conference: Ozgur Bursali, Macron 50 den fazla Fransiz subayimi olume terk etti.

Andilik 22 nissan 2022

[7] "Russia wants to force the US to respect the UN Charter" Roger Lagasse . Vol Network 01/04/22

[8] " London to deploy White Helmets in Ukraine " L Times. 04/27/2022

[9] "Clues discovered in Bucha" 04/26/22 Voltaire Network

[10] "Declassification of documents on Banderites Crimes 04/30/22

Special thanks to Thierry Messan and the  Reseau Voltaire



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