Tuesday, November 7, 2023


 (posted by frenchie)

Propaganda and Censorship go hand in hand with every conflict. It is a normal byproduct of war. As we try to shed light on what is really going in Israel and Palestine, since the "Flood of Al Aqsa" offensive by the Palestinians on October 7th of this year, we are going to try to analyse the facts despite the heavy censorship of Tsahal and its relays in the Western Press.

The adage about governing is that it needs cool heads, and a capability to set aside emotions. Unfortunately we have been bombarded by a relentless stream of high emotions and many unverified affirmations.

After a few weeks of observations and sniffing through piles of contradicting "truth", the first thing that came out, that was totally occulted, is the fact that the now infamous "Flood of al Aqsa" was not solely an operation planned and executed by Hamas alone, but it was in fact a coordinated attack led by a coalition of Palestinian movements. A unique event for the last 50 years.

For better or worse this is a huge change of paradigm. A unified front of resistance to Israel.

Until now, all the informations based on dispatches from western and arab press, led us to believe that the attack of October 7th was led and executed by Hamas. What is now slowly being revealed, is that the decision and planning of the operation was decided by a unitary council of the Palestinian resistance. Hamas, contributed the most to the operation, and provided the bulk of the fighters, yet several other groups participated: Islamic jihad (sunni, and khomeinist) , the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, PLFP (Marxist), and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine General Command :PFLP-CG.

While the Western Press reported outrageous war crimes committed by Hamas, like the story of 20 to 40 babies that had been beheaded. Many, like this one in particular were what is now called "Fake News" pushed by dubious characters, and relayed by partisan politicians. [1]

In this case, the revelation that this attack was no longer a jihadist operation led by the Muslim Brotherhood, but rather an attack by all the Palestinian movements in Gaza, is changing the perspective. In fact the only Palestinian group that did not participate was the West Bank Fatah of president Abbas, who is himself very ill. The goal of the operation, was not to kill Jews, as it was first reported, but rather to take hostages (civilians and military) and hold them for exchange for the Palestinians held in high security jails in Israel.[2] Hamas did kill many israelis in the process ( the updated figures now mention a high number of 2700 deads), but it is very clear that it was not the primary goal. The prisoners taken were not able to change clothes, in a symbolic move to remind how Egyptian Prisoners where treated by Israel at the end of the 1967 6 days war.

Another thing that is becoming clearer, is that the Israel Palestine conflict is not a conflict between two states. The State of Israel still does not have any official borders, the State of Palestine is yet to be recognized. This is actually a conflict between two populations. This situation is exceptional, specially because Palestinians are not represented by a State, and under international law, Israel has additional responsibilities as the occupying power. On May 15 of this year, The Gulf Operation Council, the Group of 77 [3], the League of Arab States, The Organization of the Islamic Cooperation, and China called for the suspension of Israel from the United Nations, since Israel fails to abide by its own commitments. [4]

1) Was Israel actually surprised by the "Flood of Al Aqsa" attack?  

From all the evidences that have surfaced since October 7th, the answer to this question is a definite NO. Despite the claims from the Netanyahu's coalition, Israel was not surprised by this attack, This attack had been prepared since the clashes of May 2021. According to CNN, Hamas had been training their fighters for a year and half. [5] They had build at least six training camps in Gaza, and shot videos of the training, that had been released several weeks before the attack. on March of 2023, Hamas sent a strong delegation to Russia. At that occasion, Hamas released a statement delivered to Russian Foreign Minister Serguei Lavrov: "our patience is running out and our anger is on the march"

In early 2023 Iran hosted a conference with the region's various independence groups: Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and Hamas. The meeting took place in Beirut, under the presidency of General Ismael Qaani, Commander of the Al Quds brigades of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. The aim of the meeting was to reconcile these groups who had fought bitter battles, in Gaza, then in Syria. The meetings were made public in May of 2023. On this occasion, the Lebanese press commented extensively on the preparation of a united operation, that eventually took place on October 7th. What Iran did was to reconcile these warring factions.

On September 30th, the Egyptian Minister of intelligence, Kamel Abbas personally  called the Israeli Prime minister to warn him about a major operation by Hamas against Israel.[6] Egypt which is fighting an ongoing battle with the Muslim Brotherhood was very worried that Israel would let the conflict expend, which it did.

On October 5th, the CIA warned Mossad of a major operation to be launched by a coalition of  Palestinian groups. The US was particularly worried about the potential scale of that operation. According to the NY Times, the CIA's reports (still classified) of September 28 and October 5th, did not mention any new combat techniques to be used by the Palestinian Resistance. Shin Bet  (counter espionage) and Amman (military intelligence) were part of the meeting.

All this, points to the fact that Prime Minister Netanyahu lied to the citizens of Israel, when he declared to have been surprised by the Hamas attack.

2)Why did Israel allow for its Citizens to be killed?

There are several scenarios

Here are four possible theories:

*The settlers living illegally in the West Bank who are an important part of Netanyahu's government, were blind and deaf about the realities of Gaza.

*Benjamin Netanyahu never departed very far from his father's philosophy, and that of his mentor the Ukrainian Vladimir Jabotinsky. Their goal is the expulsion of the Palestinian from Gaza and the West Bank. It was Jabotinsky who declared:"Palestine a land without people for a people without a land"

* Netanyahu, reviving an old neocon's project, wanted to create an excuse to launch a conflict with Iran, and extend the influence of Israel in the region.[7]

*The American followers of the German fascist Leo Strauss, wanted to widen the conflict they started in Ukraine, to widen the theater against the Russians. 

These four scenarios are neither exhaustive, nor mutually exclusive.

3) A parallel to 9/11?      

The leaders of Israel have drawn a parallel between their official version of the October attack, with the official American version of the 9/11 attack. For them it is an opportunity for emphasizing the barbarity of the enemy, the surprise of the camp for good, and the justification for the wars to follow.

This parallel is further underlined by some similarities, which are used to focus on the justification of the retaliation. As Hamas reminds  everyone of its affiliation to the Muslim Brotherhood, Israel points to the fact that Osama Bin Laden was trained by Mohammad Qutb, the blood brother of  Sayyid Qutb the brain behind the Muslim Brotherhood.

The parallel does not hold well to scrutiny. It is very unlikely that the 9/11 attack was perpetrated by  Al Qaeda. US officials have never been willing or able to respond to the many objections of their official version. This is especially true in light of the many new evidences that have surfaced over the last 20 years, contradicting the Bush administration's narrative. Today more than 54% of the US public does not believe  the conclusions of the Presidential Commision of inquiry.

While it is still impossible to precisely point out who is responsible for the 9/11 attack, there is a group that continues to appear at several point of the inquiry: "The project for a new American Century". A particular individual is present every steps of the way: Mr Elliott Abrams. Guess who helped Benjamin Netanyahu perpetuate his regime change earlier this year, which the Israeli opposition called a Coup d'Etat? [7]None other than Mr Elliott Abrams.

So who is this individual?  He is a US citizen of Jewish faith, who has been very active in several republican administrations, starting with the Reagan administration. He was found guilty for lying under oath during the Iran-Contra Scandal inquiry. He also was very involved with the military junta's of Guatemala's General Efrain Rios Montt. [8]He was the architect of the slaughter of the Mayas who had organized in collective farms,under the  supervision of Mossad's Yitzhak Shamir. .[9] He is very closed to Bibi Netanyahu. Many, wondered about his involvement or not in the passivity of Israel prior to and at the beginning of the October 7 attack.

Strangely enough President Biden nominated this very controversial figure last July, to the United States Commission on Public Diplomacy. Otherwise meaning the overseeing of US Propaganda around the world

4)Who armed Hamas?.....

Setting up such a large and sophisticated operation, necessitate intelligence and resources that require the ressources of State entity. Most of the weapons used can be traced to the USA, Russia and North Korea. They easily navigate between Lebanon and Palestine. There are about three different possibilities.

* The West, following the lead of the neocons in Washington DC has insisted that this was the doing of Iran. The main proponent of this theory is Elliott Abrams. (surprise, surprise).[10] As I have mentioned on a prior article this goes against the Accord reached between the Khomenist and the Muslim Brotherhood back in the 1970s, in which they split the muslim world in two zone of influence, which  they have both abided to  ever since. While Iran is responsible for the reconciliation between all the Palestinian movements, they did not get involved in the "Flood of Al Aqsa" operation

*Another wild conspiracy advanced by the western media and the large majority of the neocons in DC, is the involvement of Russia. The Boogeyman of the US State department. Further there is no evidence Russia was involved in any way. At best it can be noted that Russia will certainly benefit from the diversion of western resources to Israel, which in turn relieves the pressure on the Russians in Ukraine. However Russia does not have the resources (yet) to engage on a second front. Plus, since its inception the Russian Federation has constantly fought against the Muslim Brotherhood, on her own territory, but also in Syria, Lybia and other theaters of operation. This was however the argument layed out by Vlodimir Zelensky,[11] and  Israel Defense Minister Yoav Galant during a video meeting with the NATO defense ministers, on October 11. [12]

*The last option is the responsibility of the Turkish Government. Here there are more evidence to support that  solution. Beside the Fact that President Erdogan was the one who organized the latest Hamas Congress, and that Turkey is harboring the main leaders of Hamas under the protection of the Turkish Secret Services. The Muslim brotherhood as a political organization is divided in several countries: the UK, Qatar, and Turkey. We know that the CIA was following closely the preparation of the operation. Following their reports, Anthony Blinken called his counterpart in Turkey, the former head of the Turkish Secret Services Hakan Fidan,[ during the night of October 6 to October 7 [13] that is to say at the same time that the Palestinians were getting ready to launch their operation, and while the Israeli were still asleep.Shortly after Blinken called Israel and the Fatah Leader, before calling Turkey twice more [14]. To add to this mounting evidence, we learned from Lloyd Austin during the NATO summit that the US had asked Turkey to intervene to facilitate the liberation of the hostages. [15]However he did not reveal if the request was made before or after the dispatch of the USS Gerald Ford task force.

5)What does international law says in regards to the Palestinian-Israeli differences?  

According to the United Nations, the Palestinians have the right to a Sovereign State within the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its Capital. According to this resolution, the following should occur.

*The State of Palestine has the right to have its own armed forces, which Israel strenuously oppose.

*East Jerusalem must be returned to the Palestinian Government as well as all post 1967  Jewish settlements.

*Right of Return. Every Palestinian, or Right Holder  have the right to return to Israel and settle in their home. A monetary compensation has to be put in place to repay any person whose house or property was recycled or destroyed.

Similarly, the United Nations declared that Israel has the right to a Sovereign State within the 1967 borders, with West Jerusalem as its Capital. Following the resolution, the following should occur.

*Israel has the right to have its own armed forces, which it does have already.

*All post 1967 Jewish settlements, and East Jerusalem must be returned to the State of Palestine. Israelis can remain to live in Palestine, but as foreign residents.

* Israel must grant the right of residence to each Palestinian or beneficiary , which were expelled in 1948, who makes the demand. Their property must be returned, or compensated for.

Another item, which is now clearly impossible is the provision that both States, Israeli and Palestinian should be federated within a bi national  supranational State, where each citizen would be granted equal voice. The original project planned to have an international peace force to be deployed between the two countries. This and several other options, like demilitarization seemed not to be viable at this time.

All parties and neutral observers realize that this international legal framework impose a considerable loss of territory and property to Israel, while it only requires an abandonment of claims for Palestine. Yet it is the only international settlement of the last 55 years for a lasting peace.

6) What is Israel reaction?

In August of 2023 Bibi Netanyahu's Coalition (which includes extremist messianic Jewish Supremacists very similar in their approach to the Muslim Supremacists of Hamas) changed the basic laws of Israel,  a State without constitution. This move was targeted at reducing the independence of the Judiciary. The country consequently saw a continuous series of mass demonstrations by Israelis. Most observers, including but not limited to the US press, concluded that the Government had enacted a Coup d'Etat.

Following the October 7th attack, Israel has no choice but to unite its ruling class. Former Prime Minister Yair Lapid demanded that the Jewish supremacist Ministers resign as a price for his participation, in a national unity government. Since their arrival in the government Intamar Ben Gvir (Minister of internal security) and Bezalel Smotrich (Minister of Finance) have supported 3 anti-arab pogroms, [16]most notably that of Hawara. [16]. However former Defense Minister and current leader of the opposition General Benny Ganz did not set the same conditions. Ultimately, Netanyahu included them both in the new government without dismissing the two extremist ministers. The newly created war council on the other hand did not include the two supremacist ministers.

This is in this environment that the military censorship was established. The censorship was so radical that the Minister of Information Distel Atbaryan resigned in the middle of the war. At this time, it has not been possible to establish the true composition of the war council. The only thing trickling out has been the fact that the deliberations have been very stormy. We know that the Minister of Defense General Yoav Gallant , is not at all on the same path as his predecessor General Benny Ganz. The Situation has been so chaotic that Netanyahu had to call General Gadi Eisenkot, the former Chief of Staff ( a supporter of massive bombings of civilians) to come in as an observer. The government right now is doing all it can to control the narrative, which refuse to talk about how each member of the war council is reacting to the original passivity of the Prime Minister. This has to be kept from the Israelis at large but also from the International community. Even President Herzog has been kept away from the meetings. The core of the debates appears to be the decision to either expel 2 Million Palestinians to Egypt, or to eradicate them all together. This is the main reason of the precipitated return of Anthony Blinken to Tel Aviv.

7) what can happen next?

International Law, and the great majority of the world recognize Israel right to self defense. This is exactly what Israel did for five days following the initial attack, while chasing, catching or destroying the attackers who had breached its territory. It is estimated that around 2000 of the Palestinian invaders were neutralized.

Subsequently Israel began the siege of Gaza, (but not the southern Gaza strip), and started bombarding Gaza City, in what amounts to Collective Punishment, which in itself is a war crime. While Israel has the right to follow Palestinian invaders, back into Gaza, the bombing of civilian buildings and the Siege of Gaza are war crimes. It appears that many Israelis, including the President are not aware of what is being done in their names.

In accord with the Arab league resolution taken after the 6 days war, Egypt closed its border with Gaza. As the Arab league supports the Palestinian demands since 1948 , it is logically opposed to any transfer of population or any naturalization. To add to this, Cairo is not intent on taking  the responsibility of 2 millions refugees, specially for the sake of Hamas, whose parent organization the Muslim Brotherhood is banned in Egypt.

At this time Israel has continued its bombing of civilian targets, including a Church and a refugee camp. It is massing its forces for a slow, methodical invasion of Gaza. This create a new escalation, which Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon dully noted, when they sent a few dozen missiles  as a warning, into the disputed area at the border between Israel and Lebanon. An escalation in Gaza could bring Hezbollah, Turkey, Jordan and Egypt into a conflict nobody wants, except for the radicals of both side.

The USA has deployed a carrier battle group to the region (which many consider as sitting ducks) and sent massive military supplies to Israel, while at the same time asking Israel to show restraint.

At this time, it appears that Israel might just continue its incursions in Gaza to target some of Hamas apparatus. Yet despite a heavy use of tanks and armored Bulldozers, IDF has encountered stiff resistance in the rubble they created. Casualties are mounting for Israel, which pose a huge problem for the general public. Behind the bombastic declarations of Netanyahu, the reality of a possible escalation that could be lethal for Israel is settling in. It appears more likely that after several large incursions, Israel might declare victory and return to is bases. All this despite the extremists in her government.

Meanwhile Gaza is counting about 10 000 civilian deaths. A sure way to create a new revenge cycle.


[1] Source of dubious 'beheaded babies"claim is Israeli settler leader who incited for the eradication of palestinian village. Max Blumenthal and Alexander Rubinstein . The Grey Zone Oct.11 2023

[2] Top secret Hamas document shows terrorist intentionally targeted schools and youth centers. Anna Schecter NBC October 13 2023

[3] Israel participation in the UN could be suspended for non compliance with its commitment. International Newsletter #41 May 2023

[4]Hamas militants trained for its deadly attack in plain site, and less than a mile from Israel heavily fortified border. Paul Murphy, Tara John, Brent Swails, and Oren Lieberman. CNN Oct.12 2023 Hamas propaganda videos reveal stunning details leading up to attack on Israel Anderson Cooper 360. CNN Oct 13, 2023

[5]Egyptian General Intelligence Director warned Netanyahu about "something fierce from Gaza" Smadar Perry, YNet news Oct.10 2023.What went wrong? Questions emerge over Israel's Intelligence prowess after Hamas attack. Tia Goldenberg Associated Press Oct 9 2023

[6]l'incroyable imposture du Pentagate. Demi Lune 2002

[7]The American Right wing group, behind the conservative legal revolution in Israel. Nettanyel Slyomovics Haretz January 30 2023

[8]Israelis connection, not just guns for Guatemala George Black NACLA Report on the Americas,

[9] The El Mozote Massacre,Human Rights and global implications. Leigh Binford, University of Arizona Press 2016

[10] The attack of Hamas on Israel could not have happened without Iran Elliot Abrams, Newsweek Oct 12 2023

[11]In Brussels, Vlolodymyr Zelenzky called on world leaders to support the people of Israel. Presidency of Ukraine October 11 2023

[12] Israel does not stand alone. NATO October 12 2023

[13] Secretary Blinken call with Turkish Foreign Minister Fidan. Dpt of State Oct 6 2023

[14] Secretary Blinken call with Turkish Foreign Minister Fidan, Dpt of State Oct.7 2023

[15] Secretary Blinken call with Turkish Foreign Minister Fidan. Dpt of State Oct. 8 2023

[16] 400 Israeli Settlers destroy Palestinian Village, International Newsletter #30 March 3, 2023

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