Sunday, June 2, 2024


 Posted by Frenchie:

An helicopter carrying several Iranian dignitaries crashed in the Dizmar Forest, on May 19th of this year, not far from the Aziri Border. All its occupants: pilots and passengers died. Among the deads, President Ebrahim Raisi, as well as Iran's Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian. 

The helicopter was a vintage American model: Bell 212. Upon first reports it did not transmit any distress signal, and strangely enough its transponder was turned off. The GPS of the occupants cell phones did not allow for them to be located. A very loud explosion was heard in several surrounding villages. Iranian security services immediately contacted Turkish authorities who deployed several "Akinci" drones to locate the crash site, within 12 hours after the initial report. The aircraft was part of a convoy of three helicopters. The other two aircrafts did not report any incidents. They did not witness the presidential helicopter mishap. According to security procedures in place, members of the government are to be separated aboard different vehicles while traveling. Why these procedures were not adhered to , has so far not been explained. This incident happens at a time when Iran and the United States are conducting advanced negotiations both in Oman and in New York.

Meanwhile, Israeli leaders responsible for the April 1st, Iranian diplomatic compound bombing in Damascus which led to the death of General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, continue to present Teheran as the number one public enemy to world peace. In reaction to the bombing of its consulate and subsequent death of the commander of its Al Quds force, Iran attacked Israel on April 13th and 14th, demonstrating its capacity to strike targets of its choice within Israel, with hypersonic missiles without Tel Aviv and/or its allies being able to stop them.

The crash comes at a time of rapprochement between Iran and Azerbaijan, which until recently had excellent relations with Israel.

Turkey foiled a coup d'Etat and an assassination attempt against president Erdogan, less than a week before the disappearance of President Raisi

Ebrahim Raisi was known to be a rigid character, and totally devoted to the leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, whose instructions he strictly enforced. He was often criticized by its opponents for his lack  of initiative and his inability to grasp anything about the domestic economy. While he has shown great harshness against the women's movement, it never reached the cold savagery with which he cracked down against the communists at the early stages of the Iranian Revolution. 

In foreign affairs he unconditionally supported the Shiites militias throughout the Middle East, as the guide of the revolution instructed. He made some notable progresses by having Iran join the BRICS, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), as well as the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) as full member of these organizations. Last but not least, he was on the verge on concluding a new agreement with the USA, to the great displeasure of Tel Aviv.

As for the Foreign Affairs Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian he was appreciated by all his interlocutors. He had successfully re-established relations with almost all Arab leaders whose language he spoke. 

In the interim, Vice President Mohammad Mokhber will serve as president until the June 28th Presidential elections, while Ali Bagheri will serve as foreign minister until then.

As of now, it is still unclear which candidates will be allowed to run for office. Candidates can be disqualified for non conformity with Islam by six of the theologians of the Council of Guardians of the Constitution, who are appointed by the Guide of the Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei. Candidates can also be removed for non compliance with the Constitution by a unanimous vote of all the 12 members of said council.

The main potential candidates for the Iranian Presidential Elections are:

*Mahmoud Ahmadinejad : Former President of the Islamic Republic

*Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf: Current speaker of the Majis ( Parliament), he is a strong advocate for the poorer in the population.

*Ali Larijani: Former Speaker of the Majis (Strong supporter of the Islamic Revolution).

* Mohammad Moklaber: Current interim President (supports the Middle Class and small businesses)

*Mohsen Rezai: Former commander of the Revolutionary Guards, Intelligence Corps.

*Hassan Rouhani: Former President of the Islamic Republic. Support Free Traders.

*Ali Shamkhani: Former Head of the Supreme National Security Council. (recently fired for having allowed a British spy to penetrate his entourage.) Played a central role in the rapprochement with Saudi Arabia.

It is almost certain that both Ahmadinejad and Rouhani shall not be allowed to run, because they are too independent from the Supreme Leader. 

Washington almost immediately after the incident denied any involvement in the crash. Suspicions that weighed on the United States quickly shifted to Israel.

Meanwhile, Chinese Leader Xi Jinping wrote: " The tragic death of Ebrahim Raisi is a great loss for the Iranian people, and the Chinese people have also lost a great friend. The Chinese people and its government attach great importance to the traditional friendship between Iran and China. We believe that the combined efforts of both sides will allow for the continuation and consolidation of the Chinese-Iranian strategic partnership".

In this context the Chinese Foreign Minister, Mr Wang Yi called on each and every member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) to strengthen their cooperation in the face of terrorism, separatism and religious extremism. Everyone survival is at stake Mr Wang added.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023


 (Posted by Frenchie)

While the eyes of the World are frozen on the images of massacres of civilians, in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank, most people remain blind to the tectonic changes that are occuring throughout the world , in reaction to this drama, as well as the deep divisions within the political environment in Israel and the USA.

Everywhere around the world, Jews and Arabs are getting together to demand peace and let go of their pain. Worldwide, the realisation that the ongoing Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza could not take place without the financial backing and armament of the United States has awaken strong feelings. In Africa, South America and Asia, countries are recalling their ambassadors from Tel Aviv, and wonder out loud if they should recall their ambassadors from Washington DC.
While it appears that the Biden Administration has reluctantly looked on, it certainly did more than authorize the bloody retaliation, by providing billions of dollars and armament. The US is petrified that they might loose their hegemonic power, following their defeat in Syria, in Ukraine and what looks like another possible defeat in the Middle East. Since the Armies of the "Empire" are no longer feared, what will be the incentive to continue dealing in dollars, rather than your local currency? When that reality hits home, how will Washington continue to print money, to sustain its level of life, finance endless wars, and unchecked immigration?? 
What will be the consequences of this current crisis, no matter the outcome? No matter if the Middle East rises up, or if Israel eradicates Hamas at the price of thousands of lives on both sides, the world will not be the same.
The important factor is that while President Biden had strongly warned Israel against moving the Palestinians to Egypt, or to eradicate the Palestinian People from the Earth; Netanyahu simply did not listen at all.
The Jewish Supremacists are acting today, as they did in 1948, when the United Nations voted for the creation of two States, one Palestinian, one Jewish; the Jewish armed groups self proclaimed their independence, even before the frontiers had even been settled. Jewish supremacists and terrorist groups expelled millions of Palestinians from their own homes (the Nakhba) and assassinated the UN Special envoy and several of his entourage, when he came to finalize the establishment of the two States. Following these two acts of terror, an alliance of seven arab countries (Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan and North Yemen) tried to intervene, but were quickly swept aside with the help of the USA. Today they don't listen to their protectors, and engage in the unrestricted massacre of civilians. This time however they are not taking in consideration that the world is watching through the modern medias that did not exist then, or even 50 years ago, and that more likely than not, no one will come to their rescue. At a time when  the Shias are accepting the concept of a Jewish State, their extremist's madness threaten the survival of said State.
We just need to go back a little more than 30 years to remember how the Soviet Union collapsed. Following a catastrophic accident, the State had not been able to protect its own citizens. More than 4000 soviet citizens were killed while trying to save their compatriots following the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, in 1986. Many survivors started questioning the reasons of their acceptance of a authoritarian regime 69 years after the October Revolution. 1st Secretary of the SUCP Mikhail Gorbachev, wrote that it is then, that he realised that the Regime was in danger.
Following the riots in Kazakhstan, the demonstrations in the Baltic republics, and in Armenia, Gorbachev modified the Constitution to sideline the old guard of the Party. It was too little too  late to stop the raging fire that engulfed Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldavia, Ukraine and Bielorussia. The uprising of the  Young East German Communists against the Brejnev doctrine, led to the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. The crumbling of the State and Economic powers in Moscow, led to the stopping of all the aid programs to their allies (including Cuba). Finally, the dissolution of the Varsaw Pact, and the implosion of the Union in 1991, were the last nails in the coffin, of an empire many had thought would be eternal.

This ineluctable process, started under Clinton, continued by Bush Jr and Obama, which had been slowed and delayed during the Trump Administration, has restarted, and accelerated during the Biden ghost  Administration, to now become a clear and present danger for the American Empire. The existential question for the USA is not to know how far will Netanyahu's Revisionist Zionists are willing to go, but rather until when will the neocons and other US warmongers will support the Israeli extremists?? When will Washington decide they have more to loose in letting civilians being massacred in front of the whole world, instead of reigning in their own pitbull, in the Israel Government?

Biden has the same problem in Ukraine. After the dismal failure of Zelensky's vaunted counter-offensive, which led to hundreds of thousands of unnecessary Ukrainian losses. Russia is no longer choosing to destroy the military equipment, that Washington replace almost immediately, instead they are now eliminating the personnel that operates that armament. Russian forces are now acting as a huge grinder, that relentlessly chews every single Ukrainian soldier sent to attack their lines of defense. Kiev is now unable to find replacement for their lost soldiers, whole units are surrendering rather than being annihilated, and officers often have no other choice than to shoot their own troops for refusing to fight.

While many voices in the US, in Ukraine and in Israel are being raised to advocate for the replacement of the extremists in power in both Ukraine and Israel, it is not an easy task to achieve while combats are still going on. Yet, anything short of that obvious solution will spell disaster for the three countries.

President Biden (or his handlers) know well  that he needs to replace his puppets in both Ukraine and in Israel; just as 1st Secretary Gorbachev had to replace his clueless representative in Kazakhstan. The risk being that there will be an generalisation of the opposition against these corrupt leaders. Once you let it be known that the head of a US political ally can be replaced, then you also let these corrupt individuals know that they should flee before being sacrified. As Dr Kinsinger once said: " it is dangerous to be an enemy of the United States, but it is fatal to be one of its friends".

This process is not only ineluctable, it is also inexorable. At this point and time, and because of his initial errors, President Biden has very little choice, he can slow down the process, he can defer its consequences, but he cannot stop it.

Western People, and their leaders must take radical initiatives to get out of this quagmire, without waiting to be abandoned, like Cubans were during the infamous period of the "Special Era". This is an urgency, the last ones to react, will be the ones left holding the bill. Already many states around the world, are elbowing their way to escape, and are now lining up to join the ranks of the Brics and/or the Shangai Organization for Cooperation. 

Even worse than Russia which had to separate themselves from the Baltic States, the United States must prepare to be confronted by popular uprisings. When Washington DC will no longer be able to impose the dollar as the international monetary exchange, and that consequently its living standards will collapse, poor regions will refuse to obey the National Government, while the rich States will declare their own independence. As an apparte, two of the richest States of the Union are California and Texas. The only two States that could legally separate from the Union, due to the treaties that brought them in the United States. [1] It is very likely that a breaking of the United States would lead to a bitter civil war.

Should this scenario realize itself, this would be a catastrophe for the rest of the western world, with NATO and the EU soon collapsing, once the hegemonic power being in turmoil. Germany, France, the United Kingdom would reverse to their old rivalries, having failed to address them upstream.

Should the present course of affairs continue in the Middle East, Israel and the American Empire are condemned to disappear.  As it has been proven through world history, going against the tide of  that History invariably leads to more wars and more unnecessary deaths.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023


 (posted by frenchie)

Propaganda and Censorship go hand in hand with every conflict. It is a normal byproduct of war. As we try to shed light on what is really going in Israel and Palestine, since the "Flood of Al Aqsa" offensive by the Palestinians on October 7th of this year, we are going to try to analyse the facts despite the heavy censorship of Tsahal and its relays in the Western Press.

The adage about governing is that it needs cool heads, and a capability to set aside emotions. Unfortunately we have been bombarded by a relentless stream of high emotions and many unverified affirmations.

After a few weeks of observations and sniffing through piles of contradicting "truth", the first thing that came out, that was totally occulted, is the fact that the now infamous "Flood of al Aqsa" was not solely an operation planned and executed by Hamas alone, but it was in fact a coordinated attack led by a coalition of Palestinian movements. A unique event for the last 50 years.

For better or worse this is a huge change of paradigm. A unified front of resistance to Israel.

Until now, all the informations based on dispatches from western and arab press, led us to believe that the attack of October 7th was led and executed by Hamas. What is now slowly being revealed, is that the decision and planning of the operation was decided by a unitary council of the Palestinian resistance. Hamas, contributed the most to the operation, and provided the bulk of the fighters, yet several other groups participated: Islamic jihad (sunni, and khomeinist) , the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, PLFP (Marxist), and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine General Command :PFLP-CG.

While the Western Press reported outrageous war crimes committed by Hamas, like the story of 20 to 40 babies that had been beheaded. Many, like this one in particular were what is now called "Fake News" pushed by dubious characters, and relayed by partisan politicians. [1]

In this case, the revelation that this attack was no longer a jihadist operation led by the Muslim Brotherhood, but rather an attack by all the Palestinian movements in Gaza, is changing the perspective. In fact the only Palestinian group that did not participate was the West Bank Fatah of president Abbas, who is himself very ill. The goal of the operation, was not to kill Jews, as it was first reported, but rather to take hostages (civilians and military) and hold them for exchange for the Palestinians held in high security jails in Israel.[2] Hamas did kill many israelis in the process ( the updated figures now mention a high number of 2700 deads), but it is very clear that it was not the primary goal. The prisoners taken were not able to change clothes, in a symbolic move to remind how Egyptian Prisoners where treated by Israel at the end of the 1967 6 days war.

Another thing that is becoming clearer, is that the Israel Palestine conflict is not a conflict between two states. The State of Israel still does not have any official borders, the State of Palestine is yet to be recognized. This is actually a conflict between two populations. This situation is exceptional, specially because Palestinians are not represented by a State, and under international law, Israel has additional responsibilities as the occupying power. On May 15 of this year, The Gulf Operation Council, the Group of 77 [3], the League of Arab States, The Organization of the Islamic Cooperation, and China called for the suspension of Israel from the United Nations, since Israel fails to abide by its own commitments. [4]

1) Was Israel actually surprised by the "Flood of Al Aqsa" attack?  

From all the evidences that have surfaced since October 7th, the answer to this question is a definite NO. Despite the claims from the Netanyahu's coalition, Israel was not surprised by this attack, This attack had been prepared since the clashes of May 2021. According to CNN, Hamas had been training their fighters for a year and half. [5] They had build at least six training camps in Gaza, and shot videos of the training, that had been released several weeks before the attack. on March of 2023, Hamas sent a strong delegation to Russia. At that occasion, Hamas released a statement delivered to Russian Foreign Minister Serguei Lavrov: "our patience is running out and our anger is on the march"

In early 2023 Iran hosted a conference with the region's various independence groups: Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and Hamas. The meeting took place in Beirut, under the presidency of General Ismael Qaani, Commander of the Al Quds brigades of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. The aim of the meeting was to reconcile these groups who had fought bitter battles, in Gaza, then in Syria. The meetings were made public in May of 2023. On this occasion, the Lebanese press commented extensively on the preparation of a united operation, that eventually took place on October 7th. What Iran did was to reconcile these warring factions.

On September 30th, the Egyptian Minister of intelligence, Kamel Abbas personally  called the Israeli Prime minister to warn him about a major operation by Hamas against Israel.[6] Egypt which is fighting an ongoing battle with the Muslim Brotherhood was very worried that Israel would let the conflict expend, which it did.

On October 5th, the CIA warned Mossad of a major operation to be launched by a coalition of  Palestinian groups. The US was particularly worried about the potential scale of that operation. According to the NY Times, the CIA's reports (still classified) of September 28 and October 5th, did not mention any new combat techniques to be used by the Palestinian Resistance. Shin Bet  (counter espionage) and Amman (military intelligence) were part of the meeting.

All this, points to the fact that Prime Minister Netanyahu lied to the citizens of Israel, when he declared to have been surprised by the Hamas attack.

2)Why did Israel allow for its Citizens to be killed?

There are several scenarios

Here are four possible theories:

*The settlers living illegally in the West Bank who are an important part of Netanyahu's government, were blind and deaf about the realities of Gaza.

*Benjamin Netanyahu never departed very far from his father's philosophy, and that of his mentor the Ukrainian Vladimir Jabotinsky. Their goal is the expulsion of the Palestinian from Gaza and the West Bank. It was Jabotinsky who declared:"Palestine a land without people for a people without a land"

* Netanyahu, reviving an old neocon's project, wanted to create an excuse to launch a conflict with Iran, and extend the influence of Israel in the region.[7]

*The American followers of the German fascist Leo Strauss, wanted to widen the conflict they started in Ukraine, to widen the theater against the Russians. 

These four scenarios are neither exhaustive, nor mutually exclusive.

3) A parallel to 9/11?      

The leaders of Israel have drawn a parallel between their official version of the October attack, with the official American version of the 9/11 attack. For them it is an opportunity for emphasizing the barbarity of the enemy, the surprise of the camp for good, and the justification for the wars to follow.

This parallel is further underlined by some similarities, which are used to focus on the justification of the retaliation. As Hamas reminds  everyone of its affiliation to the Muslim Brotherhood, Israel points to the fact that Osama Bin Laden was trained by Mohammad Qutb, the blood brother of  Sayyid Qutb the brain behind the Muslim Brotherhood.

The parallel does not hold well to scrutiny. It is very unlikely that the 9/11 attack was perpetrated by  Al Qaeda. US officials have never been willing or able to respond to the many objections of their official version. This is especially true in light of the many new evidences that have surfaced over the last 20 years, contradicting the Bush administration's narrative. Today more than 54% of the US public does not believe  the conclusions of the Presidential Commision of inquiry.

While it is still impossible to precisely point out who is responsible for the 9/11 attack, there is a group that continues to appear at several point of the inquiry: "The project for a new American Century". A particular individual is present every steps of the way: Mr Elliott Abrams. Guess who helped Benjamin Netanyahu perpetuate his regime change earlier this year, which the Israeli opposition called a Coup d'Etat? [7]None other than Mr Elliott Abrams.

So who is this individual?  He is a US citizen of Jewish faith, who has been very active in several republican administrations, starting with the Reagan administration. He was found guilty for lying under oath during the Iran-Contra Scandal inquiry. He also was very involved with the military junta's of Guatemala's General Efrain Rios Montt. [8]He was the architect of the slaughter of the Mayas who had organized in collective farms,under the  supervision of Mossad's Yitzhak Shamir. .[9] He is very closed to Bibi Netanyahu. Many, wondered about his involvement or not in the passivity of Israel prior to and at the beginning of the October 7 attack.

Strangely enough President Biden nominated this very controversial figure last July, to the United States Commission on Public Diplomacy. Otherwise meaning the overseeing of US Propaganda around the world

4)Who armed Hamas?.....

Setting up such a large and sophisticated operation, necessitate intelligence and resources that require the ressources of State entity. Most of the weapons used can be traced to the USA, Russia and North Korea. They easily navigate between Lebanon and Palestine. There are about three different possibilities.

* The West, following the lead of the neocons in Washington DC has insisted that this was the doing of Iran. The main proponent of this theory is Elliott Abrams. (surprise, surprise).[10] As I have mentioned on a prior article this goes against the Accord reached between the Khomenist and the Muslim Brotherhood back in the 1970s, in which they split the muslim world in two zone of influence, which  they have both abided to  ever since. While Iran is responsible for the reconciliation between all the Palestinian movements, they did not get involved in the "Flood of Al Aqsa" operation

*Another wild conspiracy advanced by the western media and the large majority of the neocons in DC, is the involvement of Russia. The Boogeyman of the US State department. Further there is no evidence Russia was involved in any way. At best it can be noted that Russia will certainly benefit from the diversion of western resources to Israel, which in turn relieves the pressure on the Russians in Ukraine. However Russia does not have the resources (yet) to engage on a second front. Plus, since its inception the Russian Federation has constantly fought against the Muslim Brotherhood, on her own territory, but also in Syria, Lybia and other theaters of operation. This was however the argument layed out by Vlodimir Zelensky,[11] and  Israel Defense Minister Yoav Galant during a video meeting with the NATO defense ministers, on October 11. [12]

*The last option is the responsibility of the Turkish Government. Here there are more evidence to support that  solution. Beside the Fact that President Erdogan was the one who organized the latest Hamas Congress, and that Turkey is harboring the main leaders of Hamas under the protection of the Turkish Secret Services. The Muslim brotherhood as a political organization is divided in several countries: the UK, Qatar, and Turkey. We know that the CIA was following closely the preparation of the operation. Following their reports, Anthony Blinken called his counterpart in Turkey, the former head of the Turkish Secret Services Hakan Fidan,[ during the night of October 6 to October 7 [13] that is to say at the same time that the Palestinians were getting ready to launch their operation, and while the Israeli were still asleep.Shortly after Blinken called Israel and the Fatah Leader, before calling Turkey twice more [14]. To add to this mounting evidence, we learned from Lloyd Austin during the NATO summit that the US had asked Turkey to intervene to facilitate the liberation of the hostages. [15]However he did not reveal if the request was made before or after the dispatch of the USS Gerald Ford task force.

5)What does international law says in regards to the Palestinian-Israeli differences?  

According to the United Nations, the Palestinians have the right to a Sovereign State within the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its Capital. According to this resolution, the following should occur.

*The State of Palestine has the right to have its own armed forces, which Israel strenuously oppose.

*East Jerusalem must be returned to the Palestinian Government as well as all post 1967  Jewish settlements.

*Right of Return. Every Palestinian, or Right Holder  have the right to return to Israel and settle in their home. A monetary compensation has to be put in place to repay any person whose house or property was recycled or destroyed.

Similarly, the United Nations declared that Israel has the right to a Sovereign State within the 1967 borders, with West Jerusalem as its Capital. Following the resolution, the following should occur.

*Israel has the right to have its own armed forces, which it does have already.

*All post 1967 Jewish settlements, and East Jerusalem must be returned to the State of Palestine. Israelis can remain to live in Palestine, but as foreign residents.

* Israel must grant the right of residence to each Palestinian or beneficiary , which were expelled in 1948, who makes the demand. Their property must be returned, or compensated for.

Another item, which is now clearly impossible is the provision that both States, Israeli and Palestinian should be federated within a bi national  supranational State, where each citizen would be granted equal voice. The original project planned to have an international peace force to be deployed between the two countries. This and several other options, like demilitarization seemed not to be viable at this time.

All parties and neutral observers realize that this international legal framework impose a considerable loss of territory and property to Israel, while it only requires an abandonment of claims for Palestine. Yet it is the only international settlement of the last 55 years for a lasting peace.

6) What is Israel reaction?

In August of 2023 Bibi Netanyahu's Coalition (which includes extremist messianic Jewish Supremacists very similar in their approach to the Muslim Supremacists of Hamas) changed the basic laws of Israel,  a State without constitution. This move was targeted at reducing the independence of the Judiciary. The country consequently saw a continuous series of mass demonstrations by Israelis. Most observers, including but not limited to the US press, concluded that the Government had enacted a Coup d'Etat.

Following the October 7th attack, Israel has no choice but to unite its ruling class. Former Prime Minister Yair Lapid demanded that the Jewish supremacist Ministers resign as a price for his participation, in a national unity government. Since their arrival in the government Intamar Ben Gvir (Minister of internal security) and Bezalel Smotrich (Minister of Finance) have supported 3 anti-arab pogroms, [16]most notably that of Hawara. [16]. However former Defense Minister and current leader of the opposition General Benny Ganz did not set the same conditions. Ultimately, Netanyahu included them both in the new government without dismissing the two extremist ministers. The newly created war council on the other hand did not include the two supremacist ministers.

This is in this environment that the military censorship was established. The censorship was so radical that the Minister of Information Distel Atbaryan resigned in the middle of the war. At this time, it has not been possible to establish the true composition of the war council. The only thing trickling out has been the fact that the deliberations have been very stormy. We know that the Minister of Defense General Yoav Gallant , is not at all on the same path as his predecessor General Benny Ganz. The Situation has been so chaotic that Netanyahu had to call General Gadi Eisenkot, the former Chief of Staff ( a supporter of massive bombings of civilians) to come in as an observer. The government right now is doing all it can to control the narrative, which refuse to talk about how each member of the war council is reacting to the original passivity of the Prime Minister. This has to be kept from the Israelis at large but also from the International community. Even President Herzog has been kept away from the meetings. The core of the debates appears to be the decision to either expel 2 Million Palestinians to Egypt, or to eradicate them all together. This is the main reason of the precipitated return of Anthony Blinken to Tel Aviv.

7) what can happen next?

International Law, and the great majority of the world recognize Israel right to self defense. This is exactly what Israel did for five days following the initial attack, while chasing, catching or destroying the attackers who had breached its territory. It is estimated that around 2000 of the Palestinian invaders were neutralized.

Subsequently Israel began the siege of Gaza, (but not the southern Gaza strip), and started bombarding Gaza City, in what amounts to Collective Punishment, which in itself is a war crime. While Israel has the right to follow Palestinian invaders, back into Gaza, the bombing of civilian buildings and the Siege of Gaza are war crimes. It appears that many Israelis, including the President are not aware of what is being done in their names.

In accord with the Arab league resolution taken after the 6 days war, Egypt closed its border with Gaza. As the Arab league supports the Palestinian demands since 1948 , it is logically opposed to any transfer of population or any naturalization. To add to this, Cairo is not intent on taking  the responsibility of 2 millions refugees, specially for the sake of Hamas, whose parent organization the Muslim Brotherhood is banned in Egypt.

At this time Israel has continued its bombing of civilian targets, including a Church and a refugee camp. It is massing its forces for a slow, methodical invasion of Gaza. This create a new escalation, which Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon dully noted, when they sent a few dozen missiles  as a warning, into the disputed area at the border between Israel and Lebanon. An escalation in Gaza could bring Hezbollah, Turkey, Jordan and Egypt into a conflict nobody wants, except for the radicals of both side.

The USA has deployed a carrier battle group to the region (which many consider as sitting ducks) and sent massive military supplies to Israel, while at the same time asking Israel to show restraint.

At this time, it appears that Israel might just continue its incursions in Gaza to target some of Hamas apparatus. Yet despite a heavy use of tanks and armored Bulldozers, IDF has encountered stiff resistance in the rubble they created. Casualties are mounting for Israel, which pose a huge problem for the general public. Behind the bombastic declarations of Netanyahu, the reality of a possible escalation that could be lethal for Israel is settling in. It appears more likely that after several large incursions, Israel might declare victory and return to is bases. All this despite the extremists in her government.

Meanwhile Gaza is counting about 10 000 civilian deaths. A sure way to create a new revenge cycle.


[1] Source of dubious 'beheaded babies"claim is Israeli settler leader who incited for the eradication of palestinian village. Max Blumenthal and Alexander Rubinstein . The Grey Zone Oct.11 2023

[2] Top secret Hamas document shows terrorist intentionally targeted schools and youth centers. Anna Schecter NBC October 13 2023

[3] Israel participation in the UN could be suspended for non compliance with its commitment. International Newsletter #41 May 2023

[4]Hamas militants trained for its deadly attack in plain site, and less than a mile from Israel heavily fortified border. Paul Murphy, Tara John, Brent Swails, and Oren Lieberman. CNN Oct.12 2023 Hamas propaganda videos reveal stunning details leading up to attack on Israel Anderson Cooper 360. CNN Oct 13, 2023

[5]Egyptian General Intelligence Director warned Netanyahu about "something fierce from Gaza" Smadar Perry, YNet news Oct.10 2023.What went wrong? Questions emerge over Israel's Intelligence prowess after Hamas attack. Tia Goldenberg Associated Press Oct 9 2023

[6]l'incroyable imposture du Pentagate. Demi Lune 2002

[7]The American Right wing group, behind the conservative legal revolution in Israel. Nettanyel Slyomovics Haretz January 30 2023

[8]Israelis connection, not just guns for Guatemala George Black NACLA Report on the Americas,

[9] The El Mozote Massacre,Human Rights and global implications. Leigh Binford, University of Arizona Press 2016

[10] The attack of Hamas on Israel could not have happened without Iran Elliot Abrams, Newsweek Oct 12 2023

[11]In Brussels, Vlolodymyr Zelenzky called on world leaders to support the people of Israel. Presidency of Ukraine October 11 2023

[12] Israel does not stand alone. NATO October 12 2023

[13] Secretary Blinken call with Turkish Foreign Minister Fidan. Dpt of State Oct 6 2023

[14] Secretary Blinken call with Turkish Foreign Minister Fidan, Dpt of State Oct.7 2023

[15] Secretary Blinken call with Turkish Foreign Minister Fidan. Dpt of State Oct. 8 2023

[16] 400 Israeli Settlers destroy Palestinian Village, International Newsletter #30 March 3, 2023

Saturday, November 4, 2023


 (posted by frenchie)

The current conflict in Palestine arrives on the heels of 75 years of continued murderous injustice. Just as Israelis have a right to self defense, Palestinians have the right to resist, (some say the duty) the occupation of their territory by Israel. It is a necessity that everyone helps resolve the injustices suffered by both sides, without justifying the cruel vengeance exerted for the benefit of a few. It is also clear that the support for any of the belligerents, should not lead to a blanket amnesty of their leadership's heinous crimes. Nor should it occult the responsibilities of the great powers that have historically used both parties as pawns in a proxy endless war.

The Middle East is an unstable universe where many groups compete for survival 

For simplicity's sake, western countries have a tendency to look at the make up of its population as a mix of Christians, Muslims and Jews. The hard reality of the picture is that it is a far more complex problem. Each and everyone of these religions have a multitude of denominations. In Africa and Europe people have taken it for granted that Christians are divided into Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant. In the Middle East by comparaison there are dozens and dozens of different Churches. The same is true about Jewish and Muslim faith.

Every single time a piece of the chessboard is moved, all the other groups have to reposition themselves. This is the reason why today's allies might become tomorrow's enemies. Just as today's enemies were yesterday's allies. Sadly over the centuries each group has been both victims and executioners. Outsiders visiting the Middle East, tend to line up with the people the closest to their own culture, their own faith. Yet they are not aware of its History, not are they prepared to assume it.

If our real goal is to promote Peace, it is imperative that we not only listen to the people we are close to, but that we come to terms with the realities of the injustices suffered by our friends, as well as our enemies. This is not a spontaneous and easy process, It takes honesty and hard work. Recently in the West we have had a very singular approach to all the problems arising. For  example, we mostly heard about the very narrow views of Ukrainians vs Russians; of Armenians against Azeris, and now of Israelis against Palestinians.

It is a difficult task to distinguish among the avalanche of emotional reports and the trickle of verified information, what comes from people with narrow interests, or from State and Organisation entities, or even what comes from principled individuals, in order to qualify these informations. It is further complicated by groups that are not religious, but theocratic. The latter not defending higher principles but rather using religious language in order to win.

The preliminary points having been laid out, it is now time to address the business at hand.

On the 50th anniversary date of the October 73 War, known in the west as the Yum Kippur War, October 7th 2023 at 6.00am, Hamas attacked Israel on its own soil. Back in 1973 Syria and Egypt had launched a surprise attack, with the goal to help the Palestinians. Tel Aviv, warned by Amman and supported by the USA crushed the arab armies. While Syria lost the Golan Heights, Sadat ended betraying his own people.

The latest operation combined a mass rocket attack designed to saturate the Iron Dome defense, with 22 ground incursions on Israeli territory. For the first time ever Palestinians rockets targeted Israeli command centers, to create confusion and facilitate the work of the 22 commando raids. The latter were officially intended at taking as many hostages as possible, to start hostage negotiations geared at the release of Palestinians prisoners in High security detention centers in Israel. The infiltration operations were launched from land, sea and air (with motorised paragliders).

The preparation for these operations of planning, training of thousands of commandos, logistics and intelligence gathering, most likely took months if not years. It appears that years of complacency, superiority complex, and hubris blinded Israel and western security agencies. The whole affair was designed by Mohamed Daif, Hamas operation chief, who had gone below the radar for at least two years, before reappearing lately alongside of Hamas spokesman Abu Obaida.

Able to detect the incoming missiles, but unable to destroy all of them, Israel was hit by at least 3000 of the 7000 missiles fired. Social networks and several Arab TV channels showed that Hamas captured several tanks (Merkava) and at least one military post in the west of the Strip. In addition they attacked a Rave Party taking place at kibbutz Re'im raping and massacring at least 280 revelers. In many other sites they kidnapped a large number of hostages, including at least one general. The commandos entered several Israeli towns, firing randomly with machine guns at the inhabitants. Early estimates of 900 killed and 2600 injured (most of them very seriously) on the Israeli side were later revised to 1500 deads. Losses on the Palestinian side were estimated at twice this number. 

This operation is the largest Palestinian undertaking in the last 50 years.

International observers noted that this latest outburst of violence is the consequence of 75 years of oppression and violation of international law. Dozens of United Nations Security Council resolutions have been violated blatantly by Israel, without any accountability. Israel as a state is acting as it is above the law. It has never hesitated to corrupt or assassinate each and every Palestinian leader. While it gave lip service for a while to a two State solution, Israel has deliberately prevented the development of the territories, while partially controlling a large part of it. The frustrations and suffering of these past 75 years are reflected in the abject violence and cruel behavior of some of these Palestinians, who are very much aware that they have long been abandoned by the international community. Yet, times are changing: the majority of the United Nations members having witnessed the failures of the West, and the victories of Russia in Syria and Ukraine, are no longer content to bow their heads to the United States.

On the anniversary of the self proclaimed independence of Israel paired with the massacre and expulsion of the Palestinians (the Nakhba), the General Assembly of the United Nations re affirmed that International Law is actually on the side of the Palestinians, not Israel. Of course this did not stop Hamas to commit war crimes.

The actual situation is very much hopeless for both sides. after three quarters of a century of continued crimes, Israel can lay claim to a moral high ground, on almost nothing at all. Its own population is deeply divided. Over the last few months, political power in Tel Aviv has been seized by a cabal of Zionist deniers, ( followers of the Ukrainian Vladimir Jabotinski) and supporters of Jewish Supremacism. The opposition of the narrow majority of Israelis and huge street demonstrations could not stop them. Young Israelis who inspire to live in peace are refusing their conscriptions orders to serve in the armed forces, and ending up brutalizing Palestinians for the benefit of a few extremists. In the end they join reluctantly in order to protect their own families and a country's ideal, most no longer believe in. This is an issue recognized and exposed  by general Brik than cannot be underestimated.

On the Legal side of things, the Palestinians formed a State, that was granted observer status at the UN. Following the death of Yasser Arafat, Fatah leader Mahmud Abbas was elected President. However after Hamas victory in the 2007 legislative election, followed by the West refusal to accept a Hamas government, the Palestinians fought a civil war. In the end Fatah the secular party created by Yasser Arafat governed the West Bank. Ever since Mahmud Abbas, and his party have been financed by the USA, the EU and Israel. On the other hand the Gaza strip is at the hands of Hamas, the Palestinian Branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is governed by individuals that see Islam, not as a spirituality, but as a weapon of conquest. They in turn are mostly paid by the UK, Qatar, Israel, Turkey and the EU. The two sides have opposed each other in every elections for the last 16 years. Their leaders live in mafia like luxury, in stark contrast with the miserable living conditions of their people.

When it was created, Hamas was financed by the United Kingdom. It was supported by the Israeli Secret Services, to weaken Yasser Arafat's Fatah. Later Israel fought it, and assassinated its religious leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. Yet again, Israel used Hamas to eliminate the leaders of the Marxist Palestinian Resistance. Hamas fighters, accompanied by Mossad agents and Al Qaeda jihadists attacked the Palestinian Yarmuk camp, at the start of the war against Syria. [1] Today once again Hamas is fighting its erstwhile ally Israel.

Mohammad Daif is mostly known to be the founder of the Izz al Din al Qassam brigades. Like all Muslim Brothers he is an islamist supremacist. He refers to Izz al Din al Qassam, (1882-1935) an opponent of the French mandate in Lebanon, and an opponent of the British mandate in Palestine. He has no connection to the former Mufti of Jerusalem and Nazi ally Amin al Husseini, even if he shares his anti semitism. In 2010 he wrote: "the Izz al Din al Qassam brigades ....are better prepare to continue on our exclusive path, where there is no other alternative. This is the path of jihad and the fight against the enemies of the Muslim Nation and Humanity. We say to our enemies: you are on the road to extinction, (zawal). Palestine will remain ours, including Al Quds (Jerusalem), Al Aqsa (mosque), its towns and villages from the Sea (mediterranean) to the river (Jordan) from North to South. You have no right to even an inch of it." Mohamed Daif is not a military man, his specialty is hostage taking, his operation was designed for that purpose only, not to liberate Palestine.

As President Abbas health is declining rapidly, Fattah is divided in three military factions. One following Fahti Abu al Ardate, the  national security chief. Another follows Mohammad Abdel Amin Issa (aka Lino) the commander of Kifah al Moussala (armed struggle). They follow in the footsteps of Mohamed Dallan, the former head of Palestinian Intelligence who assassinated Yasser Arafat, and is now supported by the UAE.  Finally Munir Maqdah, the former military chief of Fatah, who is closer to Hamas, Qatar, Turkey and Iran.

In September, fighting pitted these three factions against Hamas allied with Jud el Sham and Al Shahab al Moslem, two jihadist groups who fought alongside NATO and Israel against the Syrian Republic. Violent fighting took place at the Aid el Heloue camp (Sidon, south Lebanon). For a short while observers believed it was a fight along the lines of the one in Nahr el Bared (north Lebanon) 2007, before people realized it was linked to the degradation of health of Abbas.

Lord Peel's original idea of a two States solutions is backed by the greatest majority of countries around the world. While the British failed to implement it in 1937 when they had the opportunity, it also failed in 1948 at the United Nations. Since then Israel blows hot or cold about the two States idea,depending on their political whim. The Palestinians are all on board, except for the Marxist PLFP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) Since the Geneva convention, extremists on both side have attempted to sideline the process.  Faced by  what he perceives as a potential demographic invasion, Netanyahu has called for total victory.  How does he thinks that can be achieved is still a mystery. Does he mean eradicating every single Hamas fighter?  That would not even put a dent in the feeling of abuse of the last 75 years.  The Children would carry the torch of their fathers, as the fathers carried the torch of their fathers.

To even try to achieve this goal, Netanyahu must first unite the Israelis he has divided. Taking his clue from Golda Meir during the 6 days war, he must bring the opposition inside his own government.  This is the reason he met with Yer Lapid and General Benny Gantz. However Gantz condition is that  the Jewish supremacists Bezalel Smotrich, and Itamar Ben Gvir leave the Government. That would mean that the Prime Minister abandon his current project, and that of his US neocon sponsors, [2] and the Biden Administration.

Meanwhile, Hamas leaders have called on the Palestinian refugees abroad, on all Arabs and Muslims to unite behind their struggle. Palestinian refugees mean the large majority of the population of Jordan, and the Palestinians of Lebanon. Arabs mean Syria and the Lebanese Hezbollah.  Muslims mean Iran and Turkey.

So far only Islamic Jihad, and the various resistance movements of the West Bank have answered the call. Contrary to the Wall St Journal (and most US medias) assertion Hamas is not run by Iran. This assertion totally forgets the agreement signed between Hassan El Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood and Rouhallah Khomeini, founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The two groups have divided the Muslim world between them, and forbid each other to intervene significantly in the other's sphere of influence. Teheran never stop to vehemently affirm its support for the Palestinian cause. But in reality, its only involvement is through Islamic Jihad, which so far is fairly limited.

The political leaders of Hamas live in Turkey under the protection of the Turkish Secret Services. Ankara has been piloting Hamas, and its so called "Flood of al Aqsa" operation. While inaugurating a Syriac Orthodox Church on October 8th of this year, a little more than 24 hours after the attack on Israel, President  Erdogan raised quite a few eyebrows, when he declared: "Establishing tranquility , Peace and stability in the region, through the solution of the Palestinian issue in accordance with international law is the top priority we are focusing on in our talks with our counterparts. Unfortunately Palestinian and Israelis, as well as the entire region are paying the price for the delay in the administration of Justice. Adding fuel to the fire will benefit no one, including civilians on both sides. Turkey is ready to do its part, to the best of its ability, to put an end to the fighting as quickly as possible, and to ease tensions caused by the recent incidents.".

Ankara's choice to launch this new war, as soon as the Republic of Artsakh (armenian enclave of Karabah in Azerbaijan) had been crushed, and while they are also sending military equipment to Russia, in violation of the unilateral US coercive measures, suggest that the Turkish State is no longer afraid of Washington. Erdogan has not forgotten the US attempted assassination against him, in 2016, which became a tipping point for him, in his relation with DC. You can expect that as soon as this operation is over, new operations against the Kurds in Syria and Iraq will be launched, which will threaten the illegal US base in NE Syria.

Should Hezbollah enter the fray, Israel will not be able to repel the attack on its own. Its existence can only continue with the military support of the USA. A large part of the US public opinion no longer support Israel, while the Pentagon capability to defend Israel is greatly diminished. What is happening now is one of the many consequences of the war in Ukraine. Washington is unable to manufacture enough ammunitions for its Ukrainian ally, it actually has been forced to draw from its own stocks in Israel. Its arsenals there are already empty.

In the early hours of the conflict Hezbollah fired a few rockets at the Sheeba farms (the contested territory between Lebanon and Israel). It was a symbolic demonstration of its support of the Palestinians in Gaza. This is very much in line with the rhetorical slogan of the "unity of fronts". But it did not enter the fight, as it remains wary of Hamas, which it fought against in Syria. Hezbollah does not share the Brotherhood's ideology.

The large majority of Western leaders have publicly condemned the terrorist actions of Hamas, and reiterated their support for Israel. In the past they have done little to nothing to resolve the injustices in Palestine. Despite their principled declarations, it appears that they shall not do anything this time around. For their part, Russia and China refusing to take side with either the Palestinians or the Israelis, have called for the respect of international law, rather that the application of western rules. Unfortunately, we are now faced with a situation where all the players have pre emptively and deliberately sabotaged every solution; so that it is now almost impossible for this thing not to endup in a bloodbath.

This is part 1 of 2 articles

[1] Mossad agents in the Al Qaeda unit that attacked the Yarmuk Camp , 01/02/2013  VN
[2] The neocons Coup d'Etat in Israel, by T Messan, 03/07/2023

Wall street Journal. Arretz.
V Networks, R Lagasse, T Messan

Thursday, November 2, 2023


Preamble : in view of the blanket of propaganda coming from all sides, and following the suggestion of several of our readers. We will try to give out a news letter, at least on a monthly basis to retrieve the most informative news we can gather.

We are in no way trying to make statements, but instead attempting informations and tools to let you make your own mind on the hot subject at hands. Most actions create reactions. Often the people in charge have little to no idea of the ripple effects their actions have on the diverse people leaving around us. Thank you for reading the intelligence we have gathered from around the world.

( Posted by Frenchie)

At this time, we still have very little information about what really took place on October. It is likely that the players  will not be straight forward about these issues. The best we can expect is cross referencing what trickles out.

Just three weeks ago, Hamas launched its first attack on the population, inside Israel territory. In a matter of minutes, a fleet of drones blinded all the watchtowers of the border wall, About 2000 commandos spread out on Israeli territory with the mission of killing everyone they encountered, without consideration of sex, age or any other factor. Most victims are Jewish, but not exclusively: Christian Israeli palestinians and Buddhist foreign workers were also among the victims, which made local specialists say, that it was more an islamist supremacist attack , rather than an anti semitic one. Simultaneously thousands of rockets overwhelmed the vaunted Iron Dome defense. To make matter worse Hamas took around 150 hostages, including 81 military personnel back to Gaza, with the intent to use them as exchange for the 1256 palestinian prisoners detained in High Security Prisons within Israel.

For the moment the estimated number of persons killed in Israel is 1200, with an unknown number of wounded.

Israel which had been warned by the Egyptian Secret Services, (and most likely by the hundreds of agents they have on the ground in Gaza) did not put up a fight. It appears that the coalition government was focused on the situation in CisJordania. But it is also possible that thinking the attack would be a lot less sizeable, they let it proceed. A formal inquiry into these issues will be taking place after the conflict slows down.

Leading to this situation several of the neighboring countries had significant issues already on their plate.


Current Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al Sissi started his re election campaign. He is seeking a third mandate. He has underlined his struggle against islamists in the Sinai region, as well as the titanesque  civil works engaged to unclog the traffic in Cairo. The presidential mandate is no longer of 4 years length, but rather 6 years. The conditions for eligibility have also been strengthened. Economically Egypt is facing an inflation on commodities nearing 74%.

While Egypt has never ceased to insist on its adherence to the 1979 Arab League resolution. against the transfer of the Palestinian population out of its homeland, Cairo could allow for the opening of its border crossing in Rafaah. Following the 2008 war, Egypt welcomed 35 thousands Palestinian refugees, but President Hosni Moubarak, later sent them back to Gaza. Israel and the USA are pressuring Egypt to receive Palestinians against a promise to forgive Egypt's exterior debt.


Marshal Khalifa Haftar, the leader of the anti- islamic coalition was welcomed during an official visit to Russia by the vice minister for Defense Younus-Bek Iekourov, before having a meeting with Vladimir Putin. The former Lybian Army leader during the Chadian conflict, had led the opposition against Muamar Khadafi, and was supported by the CIA, His coalition is now supported by Khadafi's son, the council of Lybian tribes and Egypt, while the Islamists are supported by the West and Turkey (the former colonial power)

The Lybian current Parliament voted for a resolution, demanding for the expulsion of the ambassadors of the USA, Britain, France and Italy for their support of Israel's crimes in Gaza.

Lybia was cut in half following NATO's intervention. NATO had supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Tripolitania, while Egypt and Russia have been backing up the coalition of Marshal Halftar. 


The Algerian government has stopped using french textbooks in its school system. Students who wished to take the Baccalaureate in French will have to do so outside of Algeria. At the same time Algeria has initiated the study of the English language in High School, at least twice a week.

Algeria and Tunisia no longer believe in the land for peace's project, aka the two countries solution for peace. The two countries could soon pull out of the 2002 Saudi initiative for an arab peace solution. Should they proceed with a pullout, this could lead to a domino effect with many other arab states.


Several demonstrations have taken place with 100s of thousands of demonstrators, under the direction of the Morrocan Front for the Support of Palestine. A coalition of about 20 different political parties, unions and NGOs. They were also joined by the Group for National Action in favor of Palestine, a party close to the opposition.

The Israeli office for coordination in Rabat has been closed.

So far, it is not known if this was an Israeli decision, in order to protect its personnel from the anger of the street, or if this was done by order of the Royal Palace, following the retaliation of Israel in Gaza.


Between a rock and a hard place.

7 thousand young fighting age Iraqis are camping at the Border with Jordan, waiting to be let in to go fight "the Israeli Satan". Further according to Jordanian sources, King Abdullah is worried that Egypt could succumb to international pressure, and open its border at Raffah to let go 2 million Gaza residents.

While Jordan is calling for cool heads to prevail, the Islamic Action Front, which is the Jordanian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood is calling for the end of all diplomatic relations with Israel. This would necessitate the recall of the Jordanian ambassador to Tel Aviv, and the rupture of several treaties between the two countries, including the one on water access.


According to the NGO Human Rights Watch, the Abu Ghraib victims of torture, 20 years ago, at the hands of US armed forces have not yet received any compensation. Nor are they allowed to file legal complaints. At least 11  US personnel were found guilty of abuse at Abu Ghraib. Observers claim that sentences were all very light and at no time were any superior officers implicated in this process, or indicted.

The railroad linking Shalamshah (Iran) to Basra is scheduled to become operational in the next two years. The new connection will be 32km long and will be serviced by 3 depots (stations), and a bridge that will span the Shatt al Arab, which shall be build with the financial and technical help of Iran. In doing so Iran intends to become the hub for commercial  exchange for this north/south corridor.

Meanwhile Turkey has signed an agreement  for a new 133 km road linking the two countries.

Saudi Arabia has launched a study to establish a new road with Iraq via Kuwait and Basra

Saudi Arabia/ Iran incident

Saudi football (soccer) team Al Attihad led by the French former international star Karim Benzema, refused to take the field while visiting the Iranian Club of Sepahan's Stadium: Nagash e Jahan where thousands of spectators were waiting for the match. The bone of contention being a statue erected at the stadium of General Qassem Solemani. The authorities of both countries have agreed to replay the game at a later date and venue to be determined. 


Russian forces in Syria have ramped down their pressure on US occupation forces in N-E Syria. While the Russians continue to shoot down US drones and enter the airspace of illegal US bases, they have currently  stopped flying over them.

The Israeli Air Force attacked several targets in Syria leading to 7 death on the ground. Tsahal said that they were responding to rocket attacks from these locations.

Yemenis attacked an illegal US Base in North East Syria. Yemeni militias tied to the Lebanese Hezbollah fired missiles at the US Base located in northeast Syria. This base, and the one close to the Syrian-Jordan  border are illegal, and have been declared so by the UN. 

Abu Dhabi

Sultan Al Jaber, both in his role as director of the group Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, and that of minister of Energy and Advanced Technologies of the country, presided over the 2023 ADIPEC summit, one of the leading conference on the petroleum industry. He highlighted the industry as a cornerstone of humanity's economical development. He further invited the conference participants to support efforts for an ecological transition, not by ceasing their activity, but rather by investing in newer and more efficient  technologies.


During the opening of the yearly Consulting Assembly of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim Ben Hamad Al Thani declared: " We are saying, Enough! Israel should not receive an unconditional green light, nor an authorization to kill without restriction"

Qatar is the host of the political bureau of Hamas. It is doing so at the request of the US department of State, just as it did for the Talibans. It further pays US $ 30 millions per month to the Gaza authorities with the full agreement of Israel.


It should be noted that Turkey administered the Middle East area for almost 500 years. As such it has remained involved in many ways in the region. Turkey is also a cornerstone of NATO

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused the security council of the United Nations to have worsen the crisis in Gaza because of a blatant biased attitude, and that by doing so it has caused severe damage to the reputation of the United Nations.

Turkey asked Hamas to leave the country. Ankara supports the Muslim Brotherhood struggle for the liberation of Palestine,  but is opposed to attacks on civilians. The Turkish press is accusing Hamas of having committed war crimes, similar to those committed by Israel.

President Erdogan speaking in front of a crowd of close to 1 million demonstrators declared that Hamas is not a terrorist group, but rather a liberation group defending its homeland.

During a meeting of his own parliamentary group, the Turkish President went even further by noting the following: " The authors of the massacre and the destruction of Gaza are those who lend an unlimited support to Israel. From that point on, I address myself to Israel and those who help and abet her. As long as muslims will continue to die in Gaza, no ship, no plane, no  political contortion shall be able to bring peace. The Israeli government should not look for its security 10 000 km from here, but rather with its regional neighbors, particularly with Turkey. When the powers Israel counts on for support, will cut and run to care for the fires in their own countries, Turkey will be the first country israelis will look for comfort and compassion, as it did 500 years ago. We are aware that these powers who inflicted upon us over a 100 years ago the persecution which drowns in blood and fire, the lands which are sheltering the oldest colonies of human kind, are not looking for solutions today, as they did not look in the past. Those who caused the problem, of course do not wish for a solution. The worse this crisis gets, the better it is for their interest. They want the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to worsen. They want that peace and stability is never achieved in this region. They are working for the shadow of war never to leave the Eastern Mediterranean region. They want the people that lived in this area for thousands of years not to be able to benefit from the resources of their land. They wish  their system of exploitation based on persecution, blood and tears to continue unabated. This is exactly what we are opposed to. We are refusing this exploitation system which price is being paid by all people of the region, muslims, christians and jews." 


Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan already being attacked in court in a succession of cases, more fantasist one than the other, has now been charged for sharing classified documents. He risks from 14 years in jail to a death sentence. 

The Pakistanese Supreme Court ruled that the more than 100 supporters of Mr Khan, who were scheduled to be put on trial in military courts, should be judge in civilian courts.

Mr Khan remains the most popular political figure in Pakistan, despite the military best attempts to try to get rid of him

During the meeting of the UN security council regarding the Palestinian question, Pakistan's ambassador, Mr Munir Akram stated that his country condemns terrorism in all its forms and all its expressions. He also noted that under the UN Charter any struggle against an occupier, in the context of auto determination, or national liberation is legitimate and cannot be assimilated to terrorism.

United Nations and NGOs

The international Court for Justice, a branch of the United Nations has been asked to examine the consequences of Israeli actions inside palestinian territories.

In 2004 the Court had ruled that the construction of the wall around Gaza was contrary to International Law. A decision that Israel totally ignored to this day.

During the opening session of the Security Council regarding the deteriorating situation in Palestine, UN Secretary General Mr Antonio Guterrez stated that the attacks by Hamas on October 7th, did not happened in a vacuum....The Palestinian people living for the last 56 years under a stifling occupation. Just as the complaints of the Palestinians do not justify the awful attacks of Hamas. These awful attacks do not justify collective retributions on all the Palestinian people. Later that day Mr Gutterez twitted that nothing can justify assassinations and kidnapping by Hamas.


Western veto against a Gaza humanitarian cease fire.

The United Nations Security Council met behind closed doors about the situation in Palestine, specially in the Strip of Gaza. The US, France and The United Kingdom opposed  a Russian resolution calling for a humanitarian cease fire, by using their veto powers. Japan also voted against it. The Russian resolution was calling for an immediate cease fire that should be lasting, and fully respected, as well as humanitarian access without interference to the Gaza Area by UN personnel. 

The permanent US representative , Linda Thomas Greenfield confirmed that she used her veto power. She also stated that the russian resolution had been brought forth without prior consultation and did not mention Hamas. She further accused Russia to give cover to a terrorist group.

It is to be noted, that since the creation of the International Red Cross by Henry Dunant after the battle of Solferino, the humanitarian right organization had been relying on strict neutrality. They never condemn one side or the other, even when witnessing horrible exactions. (this was indeed the case during WWII, and later conflicts). In this context, the US and its allies' argument to justify their veto goes against all legal precedents. 

Opposing a humanitarian cease fire, while Tsahal is reconsidering ethnic cleansing is equivalent to give a green light to mass criminal destruction.

Meanwhile, in following closely international law, Both Beijing and Moscow's neutral position has remained unchanged since 2003. They refuse to condemn either party. The main issue being that if International law was to be applied here, it would have to impose may restrictions on Israel, rather than on the Palestinians. This is the main reason why Western Countries talk about a "favorable neutrality in favor of Palestine"

Washington's goals in the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

The US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken listed four goals that are pertinent for Washington.

*Support Israel

*Prevent the expansion of the war

*Obtain the Hostages release

* Address the Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

Blinken meets with US allies in the Middle East

Blinken engaged in a high speed tour of the Middle East.

Starting in Israel, he was received by prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, then with members of the government and finally with president Isaac Herzog.

In Jordan  he met with King Abdullah, and with Palestinian president  Mahmud Abbas who is very ill.

In Qatar he was first received by Sheik  Amir Tamin Ben Hamad al Thani, then by Prime and foreign Minister Mohammed Bin Abdulrahman ben Jassim al Thani

In Bahrein he was welcomed by Crown Prince Salman Ben Hammed al Khalifa

In the United Arab Emirate he met Sheik Mohammed Ben Zayed al Nahyan.

In Saudi Arabia he was made to wait an unusually long time before meeting with the Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed ben Salman

In Egypt he met with President Abdel Fattah al Sissi

before returning to Israel where he again met with Netanyahu and the members of his war council, prior to meeting one last time with President Herzog, who was joined for this conversation by defense minister Yoav Gallant.

During these meetings, Blinken attempted to create an alliance against Hamas. While the UAE agreed, Blinken failed to convinced either Egypt or Saudi Arabia, while both Jordan and Fattah rejected the proposition outright. 


Prophetic analysis from General Yitzak Brik?

Prime Minister Netanyahu met  with General Brik on October 22, 2023, the man the Israeli Press nicknamed the Prophet. The content of their discussion was not revealed. The only thing that filtered out, is that the General demanded for the resignation of the head of the military intelligence (aman) and the resignation of the general in charge of the Southern Sector.

As far back as 2015, many specialists have been warning about the degradation of the armed forces of Israel. The starkest of these warnings was the alarm raised by General Brik, who not only named things and people, but also blamed the Chief of Staff, General Gadi Eisenkot. The Knesset had him testified on the subject in December of 2018.

General Brik's analysis, starts with this premise: " Whomever visit our training bases nowadays would be hard pressed to find any kind of combat spirit. It is at the core of the realisation necessary to understand the lack of competency of our units, and the lack of motivation of our fighters, for what is needed to prepare for the next war. The situation amongst the superior officers ranks is even worse; they hope for a miracle to happen, that a conflict will not start while they are in office."

"Therefore it is necessary to erect as a cornerstone of our defense the sanctification of Victory and the rebirth of the ethos of self sacrifice."

On the organization side of the issue, General Brik denounced the way the Chief of Staff is selected at this time, on the basis of political affiliations. He also condemned the fact that the head of  the Army has to manage the buildings of the Headquarters of the Navy and the Air Force, which takes away precious time needed to address the numerous details of his own command. Further, he denounced the role of the deputy Chief of Staff of the Armed forces, who spend most of his time worrying about his career rather than the need of his mission.

As far as management, the political wish to rejuvenate the leadership of the armed forces was done at the expense of  well experienced and tested officers. The current officers are incapable to assume their responsibilities, and take refuge behind a wall of lies. This issue has become particularly blatant during the latest audits taken.

Israel's strategy rest on the idea that the theater of operation shall never be Israel's territory. According to Brik it is an absurd notion, tomorrow's conflicts will be dominated by missiles already pointed at the country, and by drones. The Iron Dome does not have sufficient ammunitions. The first communities to be the subject of attacks will not be able to count on the armed forces to defend them, but will rather have to defend themselves, alone.

A close ally of Netanyahu is opposed to the entry of Tsahal inside Gaza

Ran Baratz the former head of communication for Benjamin Netanyahu has launched a campaign to delay the entry of Tsahal inside Gaza. It appears that several cabinet members are worrying about an operation that could prove very lethal for Israel, and have dired consequences on the international front.

A growing opposition movement against Netanyahu's policies is taking shape within Israel.

Israel's Army communicate on the atrocities of Hamas

Israel defense's office of communication has held a meeting for foreign correspondents to show a montage made of shots from the go pros captured on October 7th terrorists, as well as shots from CCTV. It shows a series of horrific actions by the Hamas.

Israeli opposition to Netanyahu quickly pointed out, that the barbarity  of Hamas is not new, but that Israel was not shocked when it was targeted at members of the Fattah or the the LFLP in Syria. Israel even provided Hamas with  technical support and advisors at that time. Netanyahu went as far as visiting djihadists in Israeli hospital, under his care.

Legal Front

Israel's Attorney General , Galia Baharav-Miara has authorized the detention of suspected terrorists from 60 days to 90 days, before they can meet with a lawyer.

Google switch off its GPS app in Israel.

Google has switched off its application of maps and GPS for the whole Israeli territory and the West Bank at the request of the Israeli government.

Freed Israeli peace activist taken hostage, and freed, testify

At the time when she was handed over to the Red Cross by her jailers, 85yo Yocheved Lifshitz turned to one of her masked and armed jailers to shake his hand and told him "Shalom" (peace). During a press conference, she described her kidnapping.  "as we were riding on motorcycles, one of the drivers hit me with a baton in my ribs, which was very painful, and made it very difficult to breathe. They did not break my ribs, but it was excruciating pain. They stole my watch and my jewelry. After a long ride, we were brought underground, where we walked for two to three hours in very humid tunnels, in what felt like a spider web of corridors. We finally arrived in a very large room where around 25 of us were kept. We were then separated according to our kibbutz." "The guards fed us the same food they were eating. A physician came by on a daily basis with medications and treatments, and also to care for one of us who got injured when one of the motorcycle crashed. They appeared to be very concerned about hygiene, and fearful of diseases. Bathrooms were cleaned daily by the guards." She insisted that for the most part they were treated humanly and respectfully.

Mrs Liftshitz and her husband Oded (83yo) are peace activists in the Human Rights and Peace organization, who volunteer to transport people from Gaza into Israel for medical care.

Mamud Abbas snobbed Joe Bidden

According to the Israeli Public Radio "Kan Radio" the Palestinian President declined to take a call from President Biden, during his visit to Israel

Theopilius III denounce Israeli strike into Gaza

The Greek Orthodox Patriach Theophilius III of Jerusalem  released a communique.

"The Greek Patriach of Jerusalem condemns in the most unequivocal  way, the conditions of the aerial attack against the territory of its Church in Gaza by Israel. The Patriach underlines that the Church had opened their doors to innocent civilians, mostly women and children whose home had been leveled by air raids that took place over the previous 13 days. The bombardments of these sites is a war crime that cannot be ignored"

Psy Ops over Gaza

The Israeli Air Force has blanketed Gaza with posters written in Arabic. It reads:" is you wish for a better future for your children, please give us verifiable informations about hostages held in your area.The Israeli Army will assure your safety and that of your house, and reward you generously. We also guarantee the out most discretion"

Israeli demonstrate publicly against Netanyahu

Despite a news blackout by military censors, which forbid any coverage of demonstrations against the Prime Minister, these are getting a life of their own. Notably they are organized by the families of victims of the October 7th attack, who were incensed by the news that Cabinet members destroyed evidences that the Israeli Government had been warned well in advance of the attack.

Western weapons in the hands of Hamas and Hezbollah 

According to several very serious western sources Hamas is seating on a huge cache of western weapons first earmarked for Ukraine. So far no indications on how they reached Gaza. The analysis of videos from the conflict is definite, Hamas has at its disposal antitank Javelin Missiles (USA) and MLAW missiles (Sweden) as well as AT4 rockets. This complicate gravely any ground attack by Israel. Tsahal confirmed that an Israeli senior officer had recently been killed by one of these weapons.

There are also reports that Hezbollah has also used some of these weapons at the Lebanon border during a fire exchange. In 2021 Newsweek had revealed that large shipments of  western weapons worth US $100 millions had been flown to Teheran, and were most likely sent to Hezbollah in Syria and Lebanon. The Pentagon had denied the news. More seriously the level of corruption of the Ukrainian Army is so high that they have been caught selling some of their own weapons. Those can easily be transited through the Black Sea to the middle east without any involvement of Iran.

Hezbollah helping Gaza?

Hezbollah stated that they are helping Gaza by freezing three Israeli divisions at the border with Lebanon. This represent around 30 thousands Israeli Soldiers.

Observers note that this is a limited involvement since Hezbollah is bound by UN resolution 1701, taken at the end of the Libano Israeli conflict of 2006. In this agreement Hezbollah agreed not to cross the Litani River, unless Israel attacks Lebanon. 

Never the less, it will be difficult to know what is really going on, on this front since all international news organizations and media correspondents in the region have been pulled out after the assassination of a Reuters photograph and the wounding of six of his colleagues. There will therefore be no coverage of the conflict there. 


Meanwhile in the US

Speech of Joe Biden upon his return from Israel

Upon his return from Israel to Washington DC, president Biden made a televised speech. He made a tedious parallel between the situation in Israel, with that of Ukraine. According to him, Hamas is trying to destroy Israel, just as Vladimir Putin is trying to destroy Ukraine. Luckily the USA is here to thwart these plans. He noted that he had warned Israel not to be blinded by rage.

Joe Biden said that he expressed his support for Israel, through his trip there, as well as a promise of a US $ 14 billion support package, and a daily phone coordination with the prime minister. At the same time, the President encouraged the Prime Minister to respect civilians. He did not appear to be as concerned about civilian casualties, that he was about possible consequences for the USA. The Pentagon meanwhile has already reported a series of missiles attacks on almost all its bases in the Middle East.

The US military deploys personnel in proximity to Gaza

An air bridge has been put in place since the October 7th attack, with the continued daily rotations of 97 heavy lift airplanes to Israel, 20 each for Cyprus and Jordan. Further two wings of airbone units and special forces are being deployed by the US. This comes above and beyond the deployment of two aircraft carrier battle groups, led by the USS Gerald Ford and the USS Eisenhower.

Pentagon support to Israel

The Pentagon is sharing with Tsahal its experiences and lessons learned during the retaking of Mossul (Irak) from Daesh. The town had been retaken after months of hard fighting and the total leveling down of a great portions of the city. US Generals have strongly suggested the establishment of a southern humanitarian corridor, in order to temper the reactions from the International Community. So far the outlines of the plans being developed are continued air strikes, repeated ground raids, and targeted assassination of Hamas leaders.  This is looking as a long and difficult fight geared at spreading death and destruction among the Hamas.

High ranking State department official resign

On October 18th, the State Department director of the office for political and military affairs, Mr Josh Paul resigned after being in total conflict with " the moral failure" of the Biden Administration. A career technocrat,  he had worked  in Bagdad with the temporary administration of the coalition (2004-2005). He had been parliamentary assistant to Steve Israel (D) 2006, before serving in the Cabinet of the Secretary of Defense Robert Gates (2007-08), and had been the director of the Office for the political and military affairs at the State Department for the last 11 years. In a letter published on linkedin he condemned the monstrosity of the Hamas attack, to better refute the response of the Biden Administration, as well as a large part of Congress. "This emotional reaction is based on mostly biased informations, political expediency, intellectual inadequacies, and bureaucratic inertia" .

Mutiny at the State Department

According to the Huffington Post, a mutiny took place at the State Department, following the resignation of Josh Paul. It involves people at all level of the administration, from the highest ranks to the entry level personnel. Its objective is not to defend Hamas, but simply to bring attention to the welfare of Palestinians. Ever since the end of the Vietnam war, the State Department has put in place an internal forum (deemed the dissidence chanel) to  allow for personnel to voice their point of view on controversial issues. Normally very few people take the risk to debate the policies of the Department. This time, the number of emails denouncing the wishful blindness of the administration in regards to the continued suffering of the Palestinians, has exploded. Plus people are willing to sign their name on these interventions in numbers never seen prior. The Focus of their anger is apparently the  Deputy Chief of Anthony Blinken's  office, and brother of the Chief of the White House Security Council Jake Sullivan: Tom Sullivan. Joe Biden had announced during his election campaign, that no members of his family would serve in his administration. Yet many members of his Cabinet have relatives in high positions in the administration.

Push back in Congress

411 employees of Congress from both the Jewish and Muslim communities have signed a petition to ask that the representatives support the promotion of an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, and stop supporting blindly the actions of the Israeli Army. Their communique states: "The voices of those who spoke of peace and de-escalation have been drowned by the drumbeat of war drums, as Jews and Muslims we are tired of re-living the generational fears of genocide and ethnic cleansing."

Jews and Muslims against evangelists.

The muslim minority in the US (about 4.5 million people) is living the Biden support of Israel as a betrayal, having massively voted for him, in the last elections. But with slightly 1% of registered voters it does not account for much, except as a spoilers in the swing state of Michigan.

Jews for their part are slightly more numerous (6 million people), and they have been in strong opposition to the Netanyahu's Government, which many of them consider as a blood thirsty dictator.

Ironically these two minorities do not weigh much compared to the evangelist movement of roughly 20 million voters. These christians, have a moniker: Christian Zionists. They are convinced that it is in their interest, through many organizations like Christians for Jews to support the expansion of Israel, as they believe that Jews need to return to the Holy Land in order for the final struggle of Good vs Evil (Armaggedon) to take place


100 thousand demonstrators in London, against the war in Gaza

Despite a warning by the British Government that any support of Hamas would be strongly sanctionned, 100 thousand demonstrators marched quietly in the center of London.

The Defense of the United Kingdom, and Israel, has been linked by a Treaty that was signed in 2020, and which content has not been revealed.

Scotland for a cease fire in Gaza

The Scottish Prime Minister Humza Yusaf, has reminded the British Government , Scotland demand for a cease-fire in Gaza.

A tiff between Ireland and Israel

Following the Israeli military operation against Gaza, Irish President Michael Higgins declared: "Announcing that you are going to break international law, and that you are going to do it against an innocent population, comes down to shattering to pieces all the legal background that has existed since the end of WWII, in regards to the protection of civilians".

Israel ambassador to Ireland Dana Erlich, answered by affirming that there was an unconscious bias  against Israel in Ireland.

France. Emmanuel Macron ready to widen the conflict in Gaza

During his meeting with Netanhayu in Israel, Emmanuel Macron stated that: " France is willing, within the coalition that is fighting Daesh, in which we participate in Irak and Syria, to extend the fight to Hamas." The Elysee palace immediately published a communique to temper that statement.

Germany. Sarah Wagenknetch creates the BSW

Sarah Wagenknetch, the pasonaria of the De Dinke has started her own party the BSW. Her goal is to pursue her humanitarian struggle against NATO. Today, she is one of the most popular political personality in Germany.

Karl Nehammer brings the support of Austria to Israel

During his visit in Israel,  the Austrian Chancelor  noted the common struggle between Austria and Israel in combating terrorism. During the visit, the Chancelor met with Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Herzog.

Petr Fiala assures Israel of the support of Czeckia

Czeck Prime Minister Petr Fiala also on a visit to Israel, and after meeting with the Prime minister and the President  assures Israel  that Hamas is their common enemy.

Slovakia cease all military aid to Ukraine.

The new Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, declared: " it is our position that we shall only give humanitarian and civilian aid to Ukraine, and that we shall no longer furnish any weapons" In doing so, Slovakia is the first member of NATO to stop furnishing weapons to Ukraine. Until now it spent about 0.65% of their GDP. According to the Kiel Institute this  military value of the aid represented until July 31st, close to 680 million Euros.  Up to now Slovakia has delivered mostly fighter jets (Mig 29), and Manpads ( a set of ground to air missiles) as well as AAA systems. Slovakia was also a center for the repair of Ukrainian military materiel. 

According to Viktor Orban, the EU is acting in a way similar to the USSR

Hungry's Prime Minister Viktor Orban declared, that the type of pressions exerted by the EU were reminding him of the pressions the USSR used to influence their "allies". He noted that History has a tendency to repeat itself. Brussels is trying to impose a type of social engineering that Hungry rejects.

Josep Borell underline that the Palestinian issue is an important one.

The High Commissioner for the EU foreign affairs and security, declared: " during normal times, not during armed conflict,, close to one hundred trucks carrying humanitarian aid, enter Gaza daily. It is obvious that 20 such trucks are not sufficient. Without water or electricity Hospitals are not able to function. The western powers have forgotten the Palestinian issue, because they thought it would be solved by itself, or that it was not a matter of is a matter of importance"